Glenn Reit D.D.S.

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Strengthening Your Immune System Needed Now More Than Ever

Do you know that your body is always under assault?  Your immune system continually works to allow your survival. During the year there are times when a world war is going on within your body. Your body is under attack, you feel awful but your body’s defenses are mobilizing to combat the ongoing storm.

The bugs enter, the attack begins, and after a time the calvary arrives to bring you victory.  Science and medicine have progressed to provide drugs to help your body persevere from the onslaught but ultimately it is your body’s own defenses which allow you to prevail.

Fear and negative emotions are not good for your immune system.  You need to banish them or at least reduce them from you daily interactions.  All negativity is caused by denial of the present and is inner resistance to what is; Preventing you from getting what you want.  Worry is fear projecting yourself into an imaginary future where things could go wrong.  Fear is false evidence that appears real.  To complain is non acceptance of what is.  You can overcome your complaining by either leaving the situation changing it or accepting it.  There are no other alternatives.

So, what can you do?  You are dealt a hand provided by your ancestors.  Your genetic makeup is a definite factor and you have what you have but it is always better to be proactive than reactive.  There is no short- term fix but what you do in the long term is what really matters.

This is what I am doing but remember to consult your physician before beginning any new regime.

I am taking vitamins every day and have been taking them for decades.  The type of vitamins I take has varied over the years based on my readings of the Berkeley Health and Andrew Weil’s Newsletters but currently each day I take: a baby aspirin, 500mg Vit C, 250mg Vit E, 400 IU Vit D3, a One A Day Multivitamin, 1500mg of Glucosamine Sulfate and one Lovaza omega 3 fish oil capsule.

Twice a week I am doing an hour of aerobic exercise in my apartment.  Fortunately, our living room has enough space to allows a workout on wood parquet floor tiles alleviating impact on my body. I also walk about 2 miles per day.  The important take away is you need to get your resting heart rate up to 70% of maximum capacity for 20 minutes 3 times per week strengthening your heart muscles and your heart leading to a healthier life.  Maintaining your flexibility is important for your overall health and balance.

I am hopeful that at some point our building’s swimming pool will reopen and I feel confident enough to use it.  Swimming provides a great body workout with minimum impact to your joints. I do need to watch my caloric intake since I have been regularly eating a little too much comfort food.

Finally, I believe in meditation something I have been doing daily for almost 25 years.  This began in California from a friend telling me to read the book; The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle which describes the basis of the meditation I do.  When reading it you will not totally believe what he is saying until you actually experience it but, it is real and can be obtained with continual practice and desire.

In essence meditation is the ability to turn OFF your conscious mind. Can you quietly sit still, find the off switch to your mind and then fully experience the inner energy we all possess?  Its real advantage is to slow down the aging process by slowing down your body’s inner clock in comparison to time progression in the outside world. You age slower and look younger than your real chronological age.  It increases the inner vibrational frequency of your body’s cells making you more porous, allowing outside threats to pass through you faster.  You get sick less often and of shorter duration.  The sooner you start the better, but anytime is better than not starting at all. 

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