Glenn Reit D.D.S.

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Why Dental Health Contributes to Your Overall Health

Why Dental Health Contributes to Your Overall Health

Preventive Dentistry

Your overall health is most important. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive. Life can get in the way and sometimes we forget about our most important asset that being our health. Did you know going for preventive dentistry can save your oral and total health? By

going for preventive dentistry you protect yourself from tooth loss, tooth pain, tooth sensitivity, chronic bad breath, collapsed jaw bone, expensive dental procedures, surgeries and the potential risk of heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

Doing preventive dentistry wards off dangerous bacteria. Sometimes the bacteria start in your mouth and then travel throughout your body. The goal at our practice is to maintain and create healthier smiles. The combination of consistent home brushing and flossing and preventive dentistry promotes good oral health. 

What Types of Preventive Dentistry can be done?

Exam and Cleanings

This is the starting point to determine where you’re at with your oral health. We begin by examining your mouth for signs of cavities, gum disease and anything else that needs attention.

Using special instruments we remove plaque, tarter and calculus from your teeth. We screen for oral cancer and examine your jaws and existing dental work. We will be able to detect oral health problems earlier and tell you about all your treatment options.

Why should you come in for dental exams and cleanings every six months? 

So we can catch any problems sooner before they can develop into something bigger leading to sensitivity, pain and/or more expensive dental procedures.

How long does a dental exam and teeth cleaning take?

Generally one hour leaving enough time to address any questions or concerns you may have. 

Can I brush my teeth after a dental cleaning?

Yes and you definitely want to continue you’re at home dental regimen.

Additional Preventive Treatments

Fluoride Treatment

We offer a simple fluoride treatment that will strengthen your teeth against decay and sensitivity. Our dental team will provide a fluoride treatment that benefits your dental health. Fluoride is especially helpful if you’re prone to getting cavities. 

How long does the fluoride treatment last?

The benefits of the fluoride will generally last for a couple of months and should be repeated once or twice per year.  After the treatment, you should not rinse, eat or drink for at least 30 minutes to allow your teeth to absorb the fluoride and help repair microscopic areas within the teeth.

Looking for a Dental Exam and Cleaning in the Upper East Side?

The best way to protect and provide for your oral health is to have regular preventive dental checkups and cleaning. We want you to have healthier and brighter smile! Call us today at  (212) 517-9000 or email us at to schedule your dental exam and cleaning.