Glenn Reit D.D.S.

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The Case Against Silver- Change Amalgam Fillings for Looks Not Safety

If you have some Silver Dollars in your pocket you are not going to throw them away.  If you were given a sterling silver set for your wedding you’re probably going to keep them.  But, for some if you have silver in your mouth you might be inclined to have them nuggets removed.

The Amalgam Silver controversy is still alive today.  If you are of a certain age you probably have some silver fillings in your mouth.  These restorations can last for decades, some more than fifty years.  Think of something else that a human can create that can last for more than a half century with only little maintenance efforts on your part.  Quite impressive!

Back in the day the choice was gold or silver since white fillings did not exist.  If you were in the limo you were probably getting gold while in the bus or subway silver was for you.  The concern with silver is the filling is an amalgam or a combination of things.  The thing most patients are concerned about is the mercury in the filling.

Mercury is produced by the burning of coal and is a heavy element.  When coal is burned mercury is placed into the atmosphere and since it is a heavy element it falls back down to the surface of the earth.  Most of the planet is water so the mercury enters the oceans where the oysters, lobsters and clams consume it.  The large ocean fish such as tuna, shark and tile concentrate the mercury within them when feeding on the other inhabitants of the seas.  When you eat them you concentrate their mercury content in your body.  With silver filling the mercury is a bound salt so if you swallow your filling the mercury will just pass straight through you instead of accumulating within your body.

Silver fillings are strong but not aesthetic.  Today with the development of white fillings, silver ones are entering the dustbin of history.  With a white filling you can’t see it so it’s like you never had it and you’re even more beautiful.   It took a while for dentist’s to figure out how to successfully place white fillings but today the process is very straightforward.

So do you remove any silver fillings you have?  In my opinion no unless you are not happy with the way they look or if your tooth is becoming grey in color due to leakage of the silver ion into your tooth.  You must realize that every time you perform surgery on your tooth there is a chance of the tooth’s nerve checking out as if saying I’ve had enough.  If this happens root canal therapy can be in your future.

Besides aesthetics one advantage of white fillings is that when they finally fail the filling breaks and generally not the tooth.  When a properly placed silver filling fails decades later generally the filling is still intact but it is the tooth that breaks because ultimately a silver filling is a wedge within the tooth.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit we believe in informing you what is happening in your mouth and if there is a concern giving you the options and price points to correct the situation.  We always like meeting new people even if you’re only looking to have your teeth cleaned.

So if you need a new dentist or a second opinion call today at 212 517 9000 and we will be happy to see you.

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At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!