Glenn Reit D.D.S.

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My Gums Are Bleeding Should I Stop Flossing?

No , No, No!  The reason your gums are bleeding is because you have not been flossing.  Think of your teeth as cubes in your mouth.  When you brush your teeth you can get the top, front and back.  However, unless you are missing an adjacent tooth you are unable to get in between your teeth with your toothbrush.

Consider that all the bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic meaning they like areas without oxygen.  When you breathe in the air it has twenty percent oxygen and helps to kill the bacteria in your mouth.

When you brush your teeth you are bringing air into your mouth.  But you are not bringing air in between your teeth.  This is where floss comes in.  When you floss your teeth you bring air in between your teeth which helps to reduce the bacterial levels there.

 When you eat, the food remaining in your mouth begins to break down releasing acids.  The acids like to corrode your teeth with the bacteria they contain.  These bacteria also like warm, dark places with food to eat.  Sounds like the environment in your mouth.

 In a healthy situation there is a little cuff around each tooth.  The cuff should be one to three millimeters in depth.  When you fail to remove the food there the acids produced attack your gums and the depth of the cuff increases.  Once the depth gets greater than four millimeters even if you floss you are unable to get to the base of the cuff or pocket and it continues to increase in depth leading to gum disease and after a period of time left untreated, will lead to tooth loss.

 When you begin to floss since your gums are probably inflamed the floss will cause bleeding.  Your gums are ulcerated and the floss ruptures the ulcers leading to bleeding.  Even if you begin a flossing program it can take a week or two before the gums toughen up and become healthy.

 The first step is to visit a dentist for an exam and cleaning.  If your gums are diagnosed healthy we will teach you how to floss to maintain your healthy condition.  If your gums are unhealthy we will diagnose and offer treatments on how to return them to a healthy state where through brushing and flossing your mouth will remain healthy.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS we like people and want you to have a healthy mouth.  You lead with your mouth and if it is healthy this can only increase your feelings of self esteem.  We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue in Yorkville.  That’s directly across from our very own Mickey Dees, between 84th and 85th streets on the second floor of a five story brownstone.

So if it’s been a while and your teeth may need a cleaning and we’ll give you some flossing encouragement.  Call us TODAY at 212 517 9000 to schedule a checkup appointment.  Your teeth will thank you and happy teeth are healthy teeth, so call NOW.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you