The War on Teeth Remains

On the HBO show “Game of Thrones,” multiple houses are under attack, and their leaders must shore up foundations for the coming siege. Each house is different from the others, having certain advantages and disadvantages. Using intelligence, cunning, and a plan of action, each leader’s goal is to obtain the throne and be crowned the king or queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Your teeth are also under siege and need to be protected from the coming storm. Daily brushing and flossing will hold back the tide of tooth decay and gum disease. Grinding and clenching at night due to New York City stress also attacks your teeth and can fracture existing restorations. When a tooth fractures due to decay, stress, or a worn-out filling, you may need to be crowned. A crown holds your tooth together just like the chosen one holds the Seven Kingdoms together. Crowns help to prolong the longevity of your tooth by maintaining its structural integrity. Unlike the show, you are already a king or queen, but just as there are multiple houses competing for the throne, there are multiple crowns to choose from. The gold standard is a gold crown. Its advantages are that it is similar to the properties of your tooth and will generally last the longest. However, it’s yellow in color and to most is no longer acceptable. The porcelain-fused metal crown combines the strength of metal with a layer of porcelain to match the shade of your other teeth. Its advantages are strength and aesthetics. Today, many individuals don’t want metal restoration and are looking for more natural alternatives. Since metal allergies are increasing, dental manufacturers have now developed crowns without metal components. These crowns have porcelain on the outside and a ceramic core on the inside. These crowns also have adequate strength and superior aesthetics. Before we undertake the reconstruction of your tooth, we will develop a plan for what works best for you, how long it will take, the costs involved, and allay any of your fears.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit we are here for you and your teeth.  Give us a call at 212 517 9000 you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

The Daily Grind- We Are Talking Teeth Not Coffee

Do your teeth hurt upon waking in the morning? Do you experience dull pain or headache? Do you find your jaw to be sore or your bedmate giving you the morning look of being kept up at night? If so, then maybe you’re grinding your teeth at night to relieve the stresses of the Big Apple. Daily tooth grinding is not beneficial to the health of your teeth. They can fracture, loosen or experience increased wear leading to sensitivity and cavities. It’s like water continually running over rocks or two pieces of wood constantly being rubbed against each other. Over time the outer surfaces will wear down. The constant moving of your jaws can also lead to teeth abfractions. These formed notched areas on the sides of your teeth are similar to the bite of an ax when cutting down a tree leading to increased sensitivity and possible tooth fracture. The constant daily grind can bring muscle pain to your jaw and sides of your head. Meditation, yoga, exercise and a healthy diet can help to relieve stress. But if that’s not working we have a solution for you to help save your teeth from breaking. It’s called a dental night guard which as the name implies you wear at night to guard your teeth. It is made of a soft, flexible material and will protect your teeth from the hazards of grinding. New York can be a stressful place so we have made substantial numbers of night guards. The fabrication and wear is painless and may be covered by your dental insurance policy. So if this sounds like you or you know of someone who has mentioned this problem. Let us know and we’re here to make you feel a whole lot better.

At the dental practice of Dr. Glenn Reit we like doing dentistry and meeting new patients.  At 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets we are conveniently located one block from the 4,5,6 and Q subway lines and the Third Avenue buses.  So call today 212 517 9000. You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Teeth Straightening for Everyone - It’s Possible With Invisalign

Everyone deserves to have a smile they love, and with today’s modern dental technology, that goal is attainable. A generation ago, straightening options were limited to old-school bracket-and wire braces. These work well, but they’re considered taboo for adults. Invisalign, which straightens your teeth using custom made clear trays, is a great alternative for patients of all ages. The way Invisalign works is not completely different from traditional braces. In both cases, your teeth are realigned gradually. The difference comes in form. With braces, an orthodontist regularly tinkers with your wiring depending on where you are in the process. With Invisalign, on the other hand, you change aligners throughout treatment as you move from origin to destination. Depending on the results you’d like to achieve, treatment usually lasts between 8 months and 2 years. Invisalign appeals to many patients for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the aligners are essentially invisible. Nobody will even know you’re wearing them. Despite their outward invisibility, the aligners do real, demonstrable work. Most patients start to notice changes in their smile as early as six weeks into treatment. Other advantages of Invisalign include comfort and removability. The clear aligners are made of a BPA-free thermoplastic material that’s smooth to the touch and lays flat against your teeth. They are so comfortable that you may even forget you’re wearing them. You should remove your aligners for meals and can take them out for special occasions, but this flexibility can be both a blessing and a curse. If you don’t wear your aligners as often as possible, you’ll stall your progress. The results of straightening your teeth aren’t just cosmetic. Straight teeth are less likely to break or develop gum disease, which means investing in your smile now will save you from needing treatments later. Invisalign is a great option for adults.

Call our office today to find out if Invisalign is right for you.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit located right here on the Upper East Side of Manhattan at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets we are always looking to meet new people and help them achieve a healthy mouth and attractive smile.  So if you only need a cleaning or believe something could be going on give us a call at 212 517 9000.  You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Ditch Your Dentures for Dental Implants

If You're Wearing Full Dentures and are Miserable
Then it’s time to ditch them and enter the 21st Century!

Fortunately, today most people have most of their teeth but there are others who for various reasons have said goodbye to their teeth.  Having no teeth is not fun.  Teeth make you look better and are valuable if you enjoy eating.  Teeth serve their purpose of breaking up food stuff you eat so that your body can break down the nutrients contained to keep your body going.

If you no longer have any teeth in the past your only option was to have plastic ones made and then use glue to keep them attached to the inside of your mouth.  The teeth are still plastic or porcelain but now with the advent of dental implants these teeth can be secured to your jaws where you will be able to eat an apple or corn on the cob comfortably.

Obviously, you need to come in and be evaluated to see if you are a candidate for these types of procedures but for most we can accommodate you.  Yes, there is an expense here but if you have been miserable and no longer enjoy eating due to the movement of your false teeth this is something for you to consider.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit we have been involved with these procedures for some time.   Undergoing these treatments is a lifestyle change and although dental insurance plans will not have the funds available to cover the procedures this is a very worthy investment in your health and life.

So give us a call at 212 517 9000 and we are always happy to meet new people.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Whatever You Call Your Teeth...Just Keep Them Healthy!

Chompers, Pearly Whites, Dents, Gnashers, Grill all lead to one item; your teeth.  Some are big, some are small, they can be straight or crooked and in shades of white, grey, yellow and brown but you need them to eat and for a pleasing disposition.

Teeth are good and if you take care of them they will take care of you.  Say What?  I’m saying you need to be good to your teeth if you want them to be good to you.  Being good is keeping them clean and healthy.  It’s a dental hygiene routine where twice per day you get in there and clean them using your toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss.

When you eat food remains in your mouth and food has bacteria which thrive in warm, dark places.  Hey, that’s your mouth.  Think of teeth as squares.  You can clean or brush the top, front and back of the square but not in between.  That’s why there’s dental floss that little string that can get in between your teeth to remove any bacterial residue accumulating in there.

You should brush and floss your teeth upon waking in the morning and at night before you go to bed.  Keeping your mouth in a healthy condition will benefit you and those you come in contact with.  No one likes to be accosted by someone with bad breath or a scary mouth disposition.

If you have been letting your mouth go for a while and are in need of a consultation or treatment we like meeting people and we like restoring their mouths to health.   After an initial dental exam we can inform you of any situations or problems you might have and give you multiple solutions to bring your mouth back to health.

We are conveniently located in Yorkville at 1498 Third Avenue between 84thand 85thstreets.  We are easy to get to by walking, taking the bus or subways which are within one block of the practice.   So give us a call today at 212 517 9000.  You and your teeth will be glad you did

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

The Case Against Silver- Change Amalgam Fillings for Looks Not Safety

If you have some Silver Dollars in your pocket you are not going to throw them away.  If you were given a sterling silver set for your wedding you’re probably going to keep them.  But, for some if you have silver in your mouth you might be inclined to have them nuggets removed.

The Amalgam Silver controversy is still alive today.  If you are of a certain age you probably have some silver fillings in your mouth.  These restorations can last for decades, some more than fifty years.  Think of something else that a human can create that can last for more than a half century with only little maintenance efforts on your part.  Quite impressive!

Back in the day the choice was gold or silver since white fillings did not exist.  If you were in the limo you were probably getting gold while in the bus or subway silver was for you.  The concern with silver is the filling is an amalgam or a combination of things.  The thing most patients are concerned about is the mercury in the filling.

Mercury is produced by the burning of coal and is a heavy element.  When coal is burned mercury is placed into the atmosphere and since it is a heavy element it falls back down to the surface of the earth.  Most of the planet is water so the mercury enters the oceans where the oysters, lobsters and clams consume it.  The large ocean fish such as tuna, shark and tile concentrate the mercury within them when feeding on the other inhabitants of the seas.  When you eat them you concentrate their mercury content in your body.  With silver filling the mercury is a bound salt so if you swallow your filling the mercury will just pass straight through you instead of accumulating within your body.

Silver fillings are strong but not aesthetic.  Today with the development of white fillings, silver ones are entering the dustbin of history.  With a white filling you can’t see it so it’s like you never had it and you’re even more beautiful.   It took a while for dentist’s to figure out how to successfully place white fillings but today the process is very straightforward.

So do you remove any silver fillings you have?  In my opinion no unless you are not happy with the way they look or if your tooth is becoming grey in color due to leakage of the silver ion into your tooth.  You must realize that every time you perform surgery on your tooth there is a chance of the tooth’s nerve checking out as if saying I’ve had enough.  If this happens root canal therapy can be in your future.

Besides aesthetics one advantage of white fillings is that when they finally fail the filling breaks and generally not the tooth.  When a properly placed silver filling fails decades later generally the filling is still intact but it is the tooth that breaks because ultimately a silver filling is a wedge within the tooth.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit we believe in informing you what is happening in your mouth and if there is a concern giving you the options and price points to correct the situation.  We always like meeting new people even if you’re only looking to have your teeth cleaned.

So if you need a new dentist or a second opinion call today at 212 517 9000 and we will be happy to see you.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Tooth Wars- Suspect a Bite Problem?

It’s tough being a tooth.  You are always in demand especially when the body you’re in is hungry.  If your teeth are out of alignment then they are even more traumatized.  Think of the gears of an engine.  If the gears are out of alignment they will experience more pressure and tension and eventually fall apart.  If the gears of the motor are not kept lubricated more problems will also occur.

Your mouth or masticatory system consisting of your jaws, gums and teeth are your engine for the consumption of foods, necessary to keep you alive.  In addition to the forces placed on your teeth through chewing of food if you are under stress there are increased forces placed on your teeth through clenching and grinding.  If decay is present then the integrity of your tooth is compromised leading to a greater chance of decline while if your gums are infected then there is a greater chance of your teeth leaving your body.

Fortunately many of these problems can be corrected.  If your teeth are out of alignment they can be moved back into place through the use of clear aligners or metal wires.  If a tooth is malformed we can correct the malformation through selective grinding and replacement of lost tooth structure.  For destructive habits we can make tooth guards which will protect your teeth.

If you are experiencing any of these problems give us a call at 212 517 9000.  At the dental practice of Dr. Glenn Reit DDS located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets here in Yorkville we have been treating patients with these maladies for decades.

Maybe all you need or want is a dental exam and cleaning.  We are still here for you.  No one really likes going to the dentist but an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure.  Being proactive vs reactive on your dental care is always better choice.

Call Today:  You and Your Teeth Will Be Glad You Did

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Affordable Teeth Whitening

Do you want whiter teeth?  Do you want to not spend a lot?  Do you want it to be easy?  If so give us a call at 212 517 9000 and come on in for your teeth to be whiter.  We have a system that has pleased our patients for the past ten years.  Since Dental Insurance does not cover whitening everyone who desires it has to pay out of pocket and we are getting no complaints.  Realize that the whiter your teeth are to begin with the whiter we can make them.  Most patients’ teeth are shades of yellow, grey and even brown.   For these individuals the whitening product will not turn your teeth white but will lighten their appearance making you happier.

A dental exam and x-rays are necessary before performing a whitening procedure since the whitening gel cannot be placed on teeth with active decay or gums that are inflamed.  We even reduce the price further during our yearly Holiday Whitening Sale from Thanksgiving to New Year for those patients wanting to save even more.

Whether you need a cleaning or dental checkup in addition to whitening your teeth, we are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets in Yorkville on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.  We are one block away from the 4 5 6 and Q subway lines and there is plenty of bus service.

We like meeting new people and helping them to resolve their dental needs.  So don’t delay call today.  You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Clear Braces - Nearly Invisible Teeth Straightening

There Was A Crooked Man Who Walked A Crooked Mile

Maybe, you’re not crooked but maybe you have crooked teeth.  Not that they were bad or did something wrong but they have wandered away from their ideal position in your mouth. What to do?  You could say they’ve been with me this way for so long why should I move them.

Think of gears of a motor.  If the gears are out of alignment they will break off.  Consider a tire on your car, if not in alignment the tire will wear unevenly giving you a rough ride and decrease the longevity of the tire’s life.

If your teeth are out of alignment they also can break and/or lead to gum disease since it will be harder for you to keep them clean.  Here in our dental practice we have the ability to bring your misaligned teeth into alignment.  For most cases we are using clear aligners which means as you go through treatment no will know you have braces in your mouth

In addition to the health component when your teeth are in alignment you will have a more pleasing appearance when you smile.  A good looking healthy smile is always a plus for your own self confidence and when interacting with others.

If you think you are in need of a tooth alignment or just a check up and cleaning consider giving us a call.  We are always interested in meeting new people and helping them to achieve their dental goals.  Conveniently located; on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in Yorkville at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets directly across from our own Upper East Side Mickey Dees in a five story townhouse.

Give us a call today at 212 517 9000, you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Frozen Summer Treats... Are Your Teeth Screaming?

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream so the saying goes.  But for some the thought of something cold or frozen going into their mouths is a cringe worthy experience.  When others are slurping you’re avoiding them.

Sensitivity to cold in your mouth is generally due to dental decay, gum diseases or abnormal wearing of your dentition.  Your teeth have a tough outer coating called enamel which protects the inside of your teeth.  The enamel helps to prevent decay and sensitivity to hot and cold substances.  If the enamel is compromised due to a cavity or hole in your tooth the inside of your tooth reacts by becoming more sensitive to temperature changes in your mouth.

If you have gum disease where your gums which support your teeth become inflamed, the roots which hold your teeth into your jaws can become exposed inside your mouth.  The teeth roots are supposed to be encased in bone and are not made of enamel but of dentine.  When exposed to your oral cavity the dentin is often sensitive to hot and cold and especially extreme cold as in summer treats.

If you are under stress and are clenching or grinding your teeth the enamel gets thinner and your tooth roots can become exposed.  Now you don’t want to stop enjoying summer treats but if the pain is too great you will probably have to.

Not to worry, if this is you we have ways to alleviate your sensitivity.  At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit on the Upper East Side of Manhattan at 1498 Third Avenue between 84thand 85th Streets we see people who have sensitivity and we have treatments to get it under control.

So give us a call today at 212 517 9000.  You and your sensitive teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

The Unfortunate Link Periodontal Disease Can Cause Systemic Problems If Left Untreated

The bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic meaning that they like places without oxygen and they like warm dark places and to be left undisturbed.  When you eat food there are bacteria all around.  How about that Yankee Stadium hotdog which has been curing all season before you consume it?

So a great incubator for bacteria is your mouth.  It's dark in there, the temperature is around 100 degrees and if you’re not flossing they are being left alone.

When you analyze how your teeth reside in your mouth they are connected to your jaws by little fibers called periodontal ligaments.  These fibers go from your teeth into your jaw bones.  In a healthy situation where your teeth and gums meet there is a little pocket or sulcus which should be 2 to 3 mm in depth.

When you eat food and you do not floss the food remains in the pockets and over time the pocket gets deeper.  Once beyond four mm in depth even if you floss you will be unable to remove the food at the base of the pocket.  So the pocket deepens, the bacteria produce acids which ulcerate your gums leading to bleeding in these areas.

Bleeding is the highway into the interior of your mouth.  So now the bacteria have a highway into your internal organs and they’re going to take a trip and visit the sights within you.  The bacteria in your mouth are not supposed to be here – so they are going to have a good time but not so much for you.

Systemic diseases linked to periodontal conditions or gum problems in your mouth can increase your risk for stroke, heart attack, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

They won’t cause these conditions but can exacerbate their occurrence.  Since gum disease can be easily prevented with a little effort on your part, why not come in today for us to take a look and see if you should be concerned.

The problem with gum disease is it silently progresses within the person without them realizing it so they’re in trouble long before they know it.   Now the condition has advanced and more definitive treatment is necessary.  We can still help to prevent its progression but being proactive is always in your best interest.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Do Braces Do More Than Improve Your Smile

Most people want to straighten their teeth for the improved esthetics which are obtained.  Yes it takes a  little time but in the long run it will improve your health.  Time is relative.  Look how quickly each year progresses.  It’s Thanksgiving, then Christmas and New Year’s Day and suddenly it's Memorial Day Weekend followed by Labor Day and then we’re back to Thanksgiving once more.

Traditionally braces were metal brackets and metal bands.  The esthetics; not so great but patient compliance awesome for you the patient cannot remove them.   Today there are clear aligners such as Invisalign which work as long as you wear them.  Another plus is that you can’t see them and it is easier to clean your teeth during the orthodontic or teeth moving treatment.

However there is an added benefit to moving your teeth into a more aligned position.  Misaligned teeth do not come together in proper occlusion which leads to them not wearing evenly.  On top of this the teeth over time can actually fracture leading to more dental procedures on your teeth over your lifetime.

Another problem of misaligned teeth is that it is harder for you to clean them.  Not cleaning your teeth can lead to gum problems which if not rectified over time can lead to possible loss of a tooth or teeth.  Even if this does not occur, gum inflammation in your mouth can affect your overall health.  Bleeding gums allow the bacteria in your mouth to spread throughout your body which can cause havoc.

At our dental practice we have been performing orthodontic treatment for many years.  If your case is straightforward we can do it here.  If this is something you are interested in let us know when you come to see us.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Synergy Between Dental Health and General Health

Do You Have Synergy?

Dental health and general health are connected. Eating a well balanced diet does lead to benefits with your overall physical health.  A balanced diet is getting the right types and amounts of food and drinks to supply nutritional energy for maintaining your body cells, tissues and organs supporting normal growth and development.

Certain physical maladies can have linkage to dental health such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis through inflammation of an individual’s gums or known as periodontal disease.

Without proper dental care bacteria collect on your teeth and under your gum line making you susceptible to infection in the form of gum disease.  As your immune system fights the infection your gums inflame and without treatment this inflammation continues intensifying.

Diabetes, which is growing substantially in the general population due to the high consumption of sugar in almost everything we eat increases your chances of developing periodontal disease.  On the other hand; people who have periodontal disease have a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels.

If you have heart disease periodontal disease and stroke form a relationship by aggravating the condition.  Researchers have found that people with gum disease were twice as likely to die from a heart attack and three times as likely to have a stroke.

By eliminating gum disease you will improve your overall health.  While eliminating your periodontal disease isn’t likely to cure your diabetes or heart condition it will alleviate one of the mitigating factors leading to these diseases.

Daily flossing and brushing is one of the best ways you can take to improve your health in combination with eating a healthy diet, exercising and not smoking.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS, if you have periodontal disease we will be able to diagnose it and formulate a treatment plan to move you back to a more healthy oral environment.  Sometimes it’s only a thorough cleaning, or a more advanced root planning to prevent graduating into full periodontal surgery.

Call us today at 212 517 9000 to schedule an appointment

You and your teeth will be glad you did

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Uncontrolled Periodontal Disease Can Lead to Bone Loss

I’m Melting! Even if you’re not the Wicked Witch of the West your jaw bones could be melting or dissolving.

How is that even possible?  But it is.  If you start to lose bone in your jaws the eventual consequence is the migration of your teeth out of your head.  Not a good thing.  So what causes this?

Extracted Teeth

When teeth are in your mouth the roots help to maintain bone health.  When a tooth is lost over time the surrounding bone that was supporting the tooth dissolves away.  At this time in history we are unable to grow new bone in one’s jaw.  So, you do not want to lose any.  But all is not lost.  If you have a missing tooth and some bone we can do a bone graft which would then allow us to place a new tooth in the area of the lost tooth.

Gum Infections

Also known as gum disease can lead to bone loss if not treated even though your tooth is still present within your mouth.  You may have heard of gingival inflammation leading to periodontitis or periodontal disease. With periodontitis the gums pull away from the teeth creating pockets which are the perfect breeding ground for the commencement over time of bone dissolving infections.

Your body generally gives you a sign this is occurring.  Swollen, inflamed and painful gums leading to loose teeth within your mouth.  Other causes are the overconsumption of alcohol, failure to routinely brush and floss your teeth or medications that lead to dry mouth.

Abscessed Tooth

When decay gets into the inside of your tooth to an extent that it affects the nerve the subsequent infection over time will dissolve the bond at the apical or deepest portion of the tooth’s root.  Here dental treatment of a root canal or finally an extraction will be needed to resolve the situation.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit DDS we like meeting people and resolving their dental issues.  Even if you only need a cleaning, give us a call at 212 517 9000 and come on down and we will help you to achieve dental health.   We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue in Yorkville between 84th and 85th streets.

So call today you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

What is a Dental Exam?

When is an exam an exam?

When you go to the dentist you will be examined.  What types of exams are provided at a dental office?  Your exam will be based on your situation.  If you are a new patient and have no urgent problem you will receive a first time comprehensive examination.  Here we will take x rays of your teeth and supporting structures to get a baseline on where you’re at.  We will examine your teeth, gums and oral cavity.  We will palpate and examine your masticator muscles and your jaw joint.  We will then be able to give you an evaluation of where you are presently at and what types of treatment would be amenable to your state.

In a periodic evaluation you are already a patient of the practice and are on a recall care schedule.  Generally this means you are coming in twice per year to have a dental cleaning and check the condition of your teeth, gums and oral cavity.  We generally take recall x-rays once every two years.

An emergency evaluation is done on a new patient in pain or an existing patient experiencing a dental trauma.  Here we evaluate the particular situation which is bothering you and take any needed x-rays.

Evaluations are the first step before treatment.  For larger cases a game plan is created to address your needs. In all situations multiple alternatives are given and costs involved are fully discussed before the commencement of any treatments allowing you to make an informed decision on your dental care.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS located in Yorkville we are always looking to meet more new patients.  If you are in need of a dentist give us a call at 212 517 9000 today.  You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Are You Happy With Your Smile?

Fall into the Gap or maybe not.   Do you want to appear like David Letterman?  Maybe you do but maybe you do not.  We are talking about dental dilemmas here.  Like a big space between your upper front teeth.  Good for sucking juice through a straw with your mouth closed but not so well for most when smiling.  Remember you lead with your smile.  So what can you do?

Here at the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS we can cosmetically close that space using various alternatives.  The first and best is to do orthodontics to move the teeth together.  This is accomplished using Invisalign removable retainers which will sequentially move your teeth into a more esthetic appearance.

Don’t want to go through orthodontics then cosmetic bonding is another alternative.  Here resin composite which matches the color of your teeth is placed without drilling or injections to recreate a more pleasing appearance when you smile.   If the space is somewhat large dental veneers made in a dental lab used on multiple teeth can achieve the smile you are looking for.

When you love your smile your confidence increases and you smile more often making those you interact with you feel a whole lot better.

So give us a call at 212 517 9000.  We are always looking to meet new people.  We are conveniently located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets.

So don’t delay call today and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

It’s Not James Bond but Dental Bond

Good Evening and welcome to my world of dentistry.  Sometimes nature can be cruel or accidents do occur.  When these maladies concern your teeth you might be seeing me.  It’s a good thing.  Maybe your teeth are misshapen, asymmetric, have gaps and spaces between themselves, discolorations and/or stains, chipped or cracked or have an exposed root.

If you’ve noticed any of these flaws in your own smile then come on down and meet with us.  Dental bonding can be an effective way to cosmetically rejuvenate your tooth or teeth.  Dental bonding is using an acrylic resin which is matched to the color of your teeth and can be molded to recreate a more pleasing appearance to your smile.

Once placed, tooth bonding should be brushed and flossed just like all your other teeth.  It is amazing how just a little bonding in certain areas of your mouth can brighten your whole smile.

We are located at 1498 Third Avenue in Yorkville between 84th and 85th Streets.  Easily accessible to the 4,5,6 and Q subway lines one block away and local bus service.  So if you need a cleaning or maybe a little bit more give us a call today at; 212 517 9000.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Wearing Your Best Smile

When You’re Smiling The Whole World Smiles With You

The saying you lead with your smile is quite true.  If your teeth look healthy and are esthetically pleasing you smile more.  Smiling can become contagious.  A happy healthy look for you makes others around you also feel better.  Your smile gives you confidence to achieve.  Today in dentistry we have the ability to restore your teeth to health and if Mother Nature didn’t give you the best smile we can help to correct the situation. 

The easiest correction is if your teeth are a tad too yellow we can bleach them to something more pleasing.  If your teeth are out of alignment we can use clear tray orthodontics to bring them more into position.  If your teeth are chipped or broken we can restore them to health and beauty with crowns, veneers or onlays.

Your gums are the frame around the picture.  If your gums are inflamed and angry looking we can treat them so they return to health.  If you have a gummy smile that affects your smile we can do minor gum surgery to correct the situation.

Sometimes the first step is to just come in for a consultation and tell us what bothers you.  Not being a dentist you probably do not know what alternatives now exist to make you look even more beautiful.  If everything is fine and all you need or want is a cleaning we are also here for you.

Dental insurance actually covers a percentage for most dental treatments we provide so your expense is even reduced.  Even if going to the dentist is not on the top of your to-do list , if you find yourself raising your hand to cover your mouth whenever a photo is taken, or if your smile is always with your lips closed, maybe it’s time to come in and see what we can do for you.

A more pleasing smile could change your life for the better.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS we like meeting new people and we love taking care of their teeth.  Conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th Streets in Yorkville we are easy to get to.  So if you are so inclined give us a call today at 212 517 9000

You and your smile will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Peace Begins With A Smile

Mother Teresa once said “Peace begins with a smile” So smiling is good for all especially you.  How do you feel about your smile?  Are you at peace with it?  Are proud to flash a wide happy grin?  Do you believe it is beautiful?  Does it express your real you?

There are ways to restore or correct the vagaries of nature.   If you are not content with the appearance or condition of your teeth, gums or bite give us a call at 212 517 9000. 

For the past several decades I have been providing dental services for the rejuvenation of your smile.  A great smile will also make you feel a whole lot better and be a help as you travel through life.  It can be achieved today.

We’re conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets in Yorkville.

So call today – you and your smile will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

To Mouthwash Or Not?

They come in all colors and flavors in small and large bottles.  To use or not to use; that is the question.  There’s the original yellow Listerine which we have all used when we have a sore throat.  It even tastes like medicine.  Is that a good thing? 

All these products claim to do something including fresher breath, fewer cavities and whiter teeth.  For most people with healthy teeth and gums it’s just a personal preference.  What are the benefits of using these products?

Cosmetic Benefits include freshening your breath for an important meeting or whitening your smile for a date.  The products temporarily control odors by masking them with a pleasant aftertaste but they don’t last long.

Therapeutic Benefits are used to control gingivitis, dry mouth and/or mouth sores

The problem with daily use of these rinses is many are alcohol based.  In that case you are continually ingesting alcohol into your oral cavity which is not in your best interests since alcohol dries out your mouth.  There are many alcohol free mouthwashes on the market which are the ones you want to use if you are using a mouthwash daily.

Most important to remember is that mouthwashes do not replace brushing or flossing.  It is only an adjuvant to these daily necessary routines.  When you have a sore throat due to a cold the old Listerine does help you to swallow easier.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit we are here for you.  If you need a check up, cleaning or something more involved give us a call at 212 517 9000.  Conveniently located in Yorkville at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets we are a stone throw away if you live in the 10028, 10128, 10075 or 10021 zip codes.  The 4,5,6 and Q subway lines are all a block away and there is plenty of bus service.  Call today you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!