To Fill or Not to Fill and With What Material

One of the sad parts of life is that your teeth can decay.  Tooth decay occurs when a person does not clean their teeth on a regular basis.  The tooth decay happens when a small hole occurs on any surface of a tooth.  The outside of your teeth are made of enamel which is a very hard substance.  The inside of your teeth are composed of dentin which is not as hard.  On the surface of your teeth there are grooves which if not kept clean can develop into a hole or cavity which leads to tooth decay.

All the bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic meaning they live without oxygen.  For decay to occur when you eat you leave residue of food on your teeth.  If not removed the remaining food breaks down and becomes acidic which attacks the surface of your teeth.  The bacteria in the decomposing food prefer warm, dark places without oxygen.  Your mouth is warm at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and dark when you close your mouth and when the decay gets into your tooth there is no oxygen present.   

Once the decay is within your tooth even with brushing and flossing you cannot remove it.  The decay continues to expand and if left alone will eventually lead to a root canal of the tooth where the nerve of the tooth needs to be removed for you to retain your tooth.

Before that occurs, regular visits to the dentist can confirm visually or through x rays if any of your teeth is developing a cavity.  Once a cavity due to decay is observed it needs to be repaired with a filling.  Today there are several types of fillings we can place into your tooth to restore it to function.

The best material is gold.  However, gold is yellow in color so in today’s cosmetic culture for most individuals this is not an option.  Why is gold the best?   It wears the same amount as enamel which covers the surface of your teeth.  It also expands and contracts the same as enamel to hot and cold.

Gold can also form a very tight seal to your tooth and is strong since it is a metal.

A metal alternative to gold is silver.  Silver is strong and over time chemically bonds to your tooth; meaning an old silver filling is actually better than a new silver filling.  Once again the drawback to silver is that you can see it.  Gold fillings can last a life time while silver fillings can last decades.

We now have the ability to place a tooth colored or white filling into your tooth.  A white filling is made of composite.  Its advantage is you will not see it.  Its disadvantage is that it is not as strong as a metal filling but for most patients metal is no longer acceptable.

If a filling grows in size by not being addressed in a reasonable time a lab processed filling can be made.

These types of fillings are available in gold and tooth colored materials.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in the area of Yorkville we like meeting new people and to help them have a healthy, happy mouth.  We can tell you if you have any developing problems with your teeth and give options to restore these areas to health.

We have Saturday and evening appointments available to fit your busy schedule.  We participate with the major dental insurance companies.  Before any treatment we will tell you your options and the costs involved.

We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets and within reach of the Q, 4, 5 and 6 subway lines and the third avenue bus.   Even if you know it’s only time for a cleaning, give us a call today.  You’ll be glad you did!

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

Fillings, Fillings, Fillings

You have a cavity and you need to restore your tooth to health.  What are your alternatives?

Your teeth are pretty tough.   Their outside is covered with a layer of enamel which is so hard that we need industrial diamonds on a high speed turbine to cut through it.  Think of a jet engine with a diamond attached to it and spinning around and that is what is needed to get into your tooth.

Bacteria are tenacious and they thrive in a dark, warm environment without air and a source of food.

Your mouth is dark and under the gums and between your teeth there is little air present.  Since you eat there is plenty of food and it is quite warm, approximately 100 degrees.

The bacteria look for little defects within your teeth to deposit themselves and then drill into the interior of your tooth.  Once inside you are unable to remove them with a toothbrush or floss.  At this point you need a dentist to get inside of your tooth and remove the decay.

Once removed the hole created needs to be filled.  There are several options.  The gold standard is gold.  Gold has the same expansion and contraction as your tooth and wears evenly with the opposing tooth.  However, today most people will not tolerate gold due to its yellow color.  On the other hand gold fillings last longer than any other procedure we can perform on you.

Back in the day when there was only gold or silver if you were in the limo you were choosing gold but if you were in the bus or subway then silver was for you.   The advantage of silver is it is also a metal and very strong.  Most people who have silver fillings have had them for decades.  The fillings rarely ever break but after decades the teeth holding them usually break.  At that point a crown is necessary.  Once again most people will not tolerate silver due to the silver color.

Today we now have white fillings made of a composite plastic type material.  The advantage is that after being placed no one will know that you have a filling.  The down side is since the filling is made of plastic it is not as strong as gold or silver but esthetically there is no comparison.  As time goes on this will be the standard of care since dental schools are no longer teaching dental students how to do gold or silver fillings.

If your filling is large and you want a white filling then as an alternative we can have a white lab processed filling.  This is made of porcelain and is stronger than a white composite filling but takes two appointments to fabricate and is more expensive.  The filling will also be invisible when you smile.

Sometimes there is no cavity but just a discoloration of your tooth.  If whitening cannot correct the situation then we can make a cosmetic veneer to cover the discoloration.  Since this is a cosmetic procedure your dental insurance will not cover it.  However the final result achieved can be dramatic making your smile much more attractive.

Here at the Dental Practice of Glenn Reit DDS conveniently located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan we have the ability to restore your teeth with the material of your choice.  If you find yourself in Yorkville or the adjoining zip codes of 10028, 10128, 10075 or 10021 come on down we will be happy to meet with you.   We are conveniently located within a three minute walk from the 4, 5, 6 and Q subway lines.

If you experience an emergency, as in breaking a tooth, give us a call at 212 517 9000 and we will see you and treat your emergency.  We have evening and Saturday hours available.  At our practice, making you smile again is our goal.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.