Why Dental Implant Timelines Are Important

If you’re missing the teeth you wish you had, one solution is the placement of one or several dental implants.

Accomplished over several appointments your missing tooth will be replaced with a dental restoration that simulates and acts like your original tooth.  Over a short period of time you will have a new functioning tooth.

The first step is a consultation to see if a dental implant is right for you.  We will examine your mouth and take x-rays to see if you are a candidate for a dental implant.  Sometimes you may not have enough bone to support the implant and an additional procedure to increase your bone level will be needed.

Dental Implant Upper East Side

The next step is actually placing the implant.  A piece of titanium will be placed into your jaw.  The procedure sounds difficult and painful but it is not.  Generally less than one hour will be necessary to place the implant using local anesthetics.  Over the counter pain medications are sufficient  for any discomfort you experience and you will be able to return to work the following day.

It takes some time for the implant to become attached to your jaw.  During this period there will still be a space remaining where your tooth was missing.  If this is objectionable we can create a removable temporary restoration for you to wear during this period.

The final step occurs several months later where we prepare your implant to receive a crown.

Patients are generally very happy with the end result.

Looking for Dental Implants in the Upper East Side?

Call us today at 212 517 9000 to see if this is right for you.