Trends in Dentistry

Over the decades dentistry has changed.  When I first started practicing there was more dental decay present in every patient.  The main culprit was the lack of fluoride in the public water system.  It was routine to see patients with cavities in almost every posterior tooth.  At that time the choices were silver or gold.   For most patients gold was too prohibitive in cost so silver was the only option.

Many other patients had severe periodontal disease necessitating the removal of their teeth and the placement of full or partial denture or plastic teeth to restore the missing spaces.  Alternatively fixed bridges or connected crowns or caps could be made to replace missing teeth.

Today things have changed.  Due to the presence of fluoride in the drinking water and better hygiene by the general public the level of decay has decreased.  Also advancements in dentistry have led to the creation of more esthetic alternatives to fix your teeth.  White fillings have replaced silver or metal fillings and implants can restore a missing tooth without damaging the adjacent teeth.

Periodontal procedures can be applied to strengthen the gums holding your teeth into your jaws.  Whitening and cosmetic procedures can enhance your appearance.  The saying you lead with your smile is readily apparent.  If you are not happy with your smile you will probably not smile.  Smiling helps to improve your outlook and positivity.

With many of us now online due to video conferencing people can really get a good look at your teeth.  A pleasing smile is appreciated, one that is not is definitely seen and commented upon even if unconsciously.  If you are concerned about your smile or you just want your teeth cleaned please give us a call to schedule an appointment.  Your teeth will thank you.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.