The Daily Grind

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An observation I have noticed in my patients is the fracturing of teeth and restorations.

I believe this is occurring due to stress we have all been under for the past year from the pandemic.

One way our bodies are programed to relieve stress is by clenching and grinding our teeth during sleep.   It is not known why this occurs but stress reduction occurs by grinding and clenching.  Exercise, meditation and a healthy lifestyle can help to reduce your inner stress.  Stress usually is caused by work, relationships, money meaning life.

You will know if you are continually clenching or grinding your teeth.  If so, we have a solution. Upon waking in the morning do your jaws feel stiff? Do the muscles on the side of your head feel sore? Do you experience stiffness when moving your jaw around? If so then you are clenching or grinding in your sleep.  If you find yourself grinding or clenching during the day like while you are at your desk this tells us you are not getting enough relief at night and your stress has spilled over into your conscious life.

Over the years we have made hundreds of night guards for our patients.  A nightguard is a soft piece of material which is custom made to fit the entire upper or lower arch of your teeth.  Danger Will Robinson do not buy a do it yourself nightguard at the pharmacy.  Your jaw joint is a three-way joint.  The only three way joint in your body.  You can move your jaw forward, back and side to side in addition to opening and closing.

All other joints in your body such as your elbow or knee just move in one plane.  Try it and you will see what I am talking about.  It is better to go with NO nightguard than a do it yourself one.  The nightguard we make has to fit your teeth perfectly and be correctly vertically positioned to work with your jaw joints on either side of your head.

Stress usually occurs in waves meaning you will be stressed for several days and then the condition will improve.  Most of our patients wear their nightguard’s intermittently when they are experiencing pain.  If you wake up in the morning and your feel stiffness then for the next couple of nights you should wear the nightguard we have made for you.  

Upon waking the next morning, you will feel better.  The nightguard in addition to relieving the stress in your jaws will help to prevent the excessive wear grinding does to your teeth.  This is important because as you grind your teeth down the vertical dimension which is the height between your upper and lower jaws decreases.  This in turn changes the angulation of your jaw joints which can lead to discomfort and problems.  Think of it as your car’s tires being out of alignment or if your feet are not straight your heels of your shoes wearing unevenly.

Another problem is clenching and grinding in addition to wearing your teeth down can also destroy dental restorations previously placed in your teeth.  Meaning these restorations will need to be redone and/or enlarged costing you time and money.  If you feel you are experiencing any of these problems call us today to schedule your appointment.  Don’t let your stress effect your teeth!

Looking for a Night Guard in the Upper East Side?

Contact us today (212) 517-9000 or to schedule your dental appointment.