Glenn Reit D.D.S.

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Your Healthy Mouth Helps Contributes Towards A Healthy Body

Do you realize that your mouth and teeth are connected to the rest of you? Your mouth, is a direct access point into your inner body. Healthy teeth and gums are important in maintaining a healthy mouth.
A healthy body is now more than important than ever.

If your gums are bleeding the bacteria in your mouth have a direct highway into your body and can cause havoc. You may not be travelling but harmful bacteria are always on the move and love warm, dark places with little oxygen and plenty of food.

Dental problems never go away they just get bigger. Prevention is always preferable to restoration especially since going to the dentist is not on most people’s top ten list of things to do.

Due to the pandemic most of us have gotten bigger which is not necessarily a bad thing over the short term. Meaning more food is entering your body, often of the comfort or not necessarily healthy variety.

So, if you have not been in for your cleaning and check up now would be a very good time.

Your mouth and body will thank you and getting out and about is always a beneficial.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

Contact us today (212) 517-9000 or to schedule your dental appointment.