Why it’s Critical to Replace Missing Teeth

When you lose a tooth, do you miss it?  For some they do while for others they do not.  Hopefully you are attached to your teeth and they remain attached to you.  But, sometimes things just happen.

You’re in an accident, a large filling fractures and then fractures your tooth, you bite down hard on a piece of bone or an olive or cherry pit and suddenly a tooth departs.  If it is a front tooth you will need to act.  Most people do not want to be a gap tooth person when they smile.  If it’s a back tooth some may ponder do I really need to replace it?

The first and most paramount question is do you miss that tooth?  If so, there are several ways to replace it.  If you don’t miss it here are some of the consequences if a tooth is not replaced.  Think of your teeth as the pylons supporting a pier going out into the ocean.  If some of the pylons collapse eventually the pier will also collapse.

Your back teeth have three roots, your side teeth have two roots and your front teeth have one root.  When you lose a back tooth you lose three roots or three pylons.  However, you lose more.  Without the tooth the opposing tooth is no longer in function.  So instead of three roots you have lost six roots.  One tooth loss is not going to kill your bite but as you lose or remove more teeth the remaining teeth are not strong enough to hold your bite. 

Also when you lose a tooth the supporting bone starts to disappear without the tooth present.  The bone is there when the tooth is.  No tooth leads eventually to no bone giving you that gaunt look.  Might be good for trick or treating on Halloween but probably not anywhere else.

Nobody loses all their teeth at once unless in a terrible accident.  It’s a slow progression like the domino effect.  In addition to losing support when you lose a tooth, the tooth behind it now has the ability to move forward.  Unfortunately, the tooth does not move horizontally but generally begins to tip, like the leaning Tower of Pisa.

When you have fewer teeth in your mouth the remaining teeth are under more pressure causing dental restorations in these teeth to have a better chance of fracturing and needing to be replaced.  Today we have the ability to replace a missing tooth without involving the adjacent teeth.  When replaced the new tooth will look and feel like your original tooth.

If you’re missing a tooth and want to learn what alternatives are available to replace it give us a call at 212 517 9000.  At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS located at 1498 Third Avenue in Yorkville between 84th and 85th streets right here on the Upper East Side of Manhattan – We like people and we like people who like their teeth.

So call today, you  and your teeth will be glad you did

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!