Will You Lose Your Wisdom if Your Wisdom Teeth are Removed?

Biology like geology can do strange things.  If you’ve ever been out West there are rock formations in the shape of thin spires that go hundreds of feet in the air.  There are stone arches that just hang there in space.

Maybe Dad is over six feet and Mom is under four.  Mix those genes together and you can have big teeth in a small jaw or the reverse.  In evolution the purpose of wisdom teeth or third molars was they served as additional later erupting teeth for eating.  Back in the day a human’s diet was more coarse and caused the person’s teeth to wear down more quickly.  By age sixteen if you lasted that long there was more room in your mouth to allow these teeth to come in properly and function.

Today sometimes there is not enough room in your jaws to allow these teeth to erupt.  If the tooth remains totally encased within your jaw bones there generally do not cause a problem.  However, if part of the tooth is inside your mouth but not fully erupted this is where problems can occur?

Half in half out can lead to gum problems and/or tooth decay.  So the issue is should you extract them or leave them in peace.  Ideally everyone’s wisdom teeth should be extracted when you are in your teens.  For most individuals the additional teeth are not necessary.  When you are young you heal up quicker and your jaws are still growing and are more pliable.  As you age the bones become rock hard and the teeth grow legs or roots meaning there is a bigger piece to take out.

The situation is more challenging now if you are in your sixties or above and the teeth need to be removed.  Your cardiologist may have you on blood thinners.  If this medication is removed you may die but if you remain on the medication after the extraction you might not stop bleeding.  In other words a conundrum.

If you have wisdom teeth we can tell you what your situation is and predict what may be waiting for you in the future.  Proactive versus reactive is always good.

If you only need a dental cleaning and check up we are still here for you.  So give us a call at 212 517 9000. We are located at 1498 Third Avenue in Yorkville between 84th and 85thStreets.  Call today, you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Be Wise About Your Wisdom Teeth

You may be wise like an owl when buying potato chips but are you wise about your wisdom teeth?

Many believe their teeth may have intelligence as in your wisdom teeth but they are really just third molars. Evolutionarily your third molars exist as a replacement for your anterior teeth being worn down. Back in the day the food humans ate was not processed as in rocks, stones, sand and dirt was included in your diet. A person’s teeth wore down more quickly and by the age of nineteen there was the room and need for additional teeth. The arrival of your third molars helped to relieve the situation and provided you with additional aid in mastication of food.

Today many individuals do not have the room for third molars to erupt and need to see an oral surgeon for their removal. If the wisdom tooth is fully encased in your jaw bone generally there is no problem. But, if they are partially exposed in your mouth or are growing diagonally or sideways they need to be removed.

Several decades ago wisdom teeth were retained by dentists as an additional tooth to be used if the individual lost some posterior teeth. The tooth was used as an anchor for a fixed bridge or as an abutment for a removable partial.

Today, with the advent of implants the retention of third molars is no longer necessary. Most individual should have their third molars removed when they are 15 years old meaning the determination of their removal is left up to your parents.

Patients who have undergone orthodontics to straighten their teeth as a child should have had their wisdom teeth removed prior to undergoing orthodontic treatment or definitely right after the completion of the orthodontics.

The advantage of removal at a young age is that the teeth have not yet developed their legs or roots so they are basically marbles and easier to remove. Also the bone of the jaw is more pliable and the patient generally heals much quicker.

The problem of retaining the wisdom teeth into adulthood is at a later age if they need to be removed the patient may have medical complications such as being on a blood thinners. It then becomes trickier to remove the tooth. Also once the person is into adulthood the teeth now have legs or roots and are much larger. Sometimes over time the teeth ankylose or cement to your jaw meaning they have to be cut out.

The good news is after removal of wisdom teeth patients do not report any lose of wisdom.

If you are having problems with your wisdom teeth or you are just in a need of a cleaning give us a call at 212 517 9000 and we’ll be happy to meet and greet. At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit we care about your teeth but more importantly we care about you.

We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84 th and 85 th streets in Yorkville. We are on the second floor of a five story brownstone directly across from our very own Mickey Dees. The Q, 4,5, and 6 subway lines are one block away and the third avenue bus stop is also a block from the practice.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

The Wisdom of Wisdom Teeth

Well they are not actually wisdom teeth but third molars.  Why do we have third molars? Evolutionarily they were there to give us an additional tooth at 15 years of age to aid in chewing due to the wear and tear on our other teeth.  Back then the food supply was a lot grittier containing dirt, sand and rocks.  After all, it was the caveman age.

Today our food is much less coarse and our teeth generally last longer.  The problem is for many individuals there is not enough room in their mouth for the third molars to come in.  This could be caused by genetics like dad is six feet tall and mom is four feet.  The combo can produce big teeth in a small jaw or vice versa.

Back in the day dentists would tell patients to keep their wisdom teeth because later in life they might be needed to support dental restorations.  Today with the advent of dental implants this is not necessary.

Third molars generally cause problems.  They are so far back in your mouth it is hard to keep them clean which can lead to decay or gum disease. Sometimes they only partially come in leading to more problems where an infection can develop between the partially exposed tooth and your jaw.

If an individual is on blood thinners and needs to have the wisdom tooth removed their cardiologist will generally refuse to take them off their medication. The extraction could cause real problems as the area will not stop bleeding after the procedure.

The morale here is that wisdom teeth in the vast majority of cases should be removed when you are around 16 years of age.   At this point your skeleton is still forming and not fully hardened.  Also the wisdom teeth have not developed legs or roots and are therefore smaller in size.

If the extractions are difficult it is easier to take a few days off when you are still in high school.  Leaving the wisdom teeth in can cause major problems if as they grow they decide to reside next to your mandibular nerve in your lower jaw or go into your upper sinus.

If you feel a little pressure in the back of your mouth or your bite suddenly appears to be off, or there is a rotten smell in the back of your mouth come on in and we’ll tell you if your pesky wisdom teeth are about to cause you problems.

Here at the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit in Yorkville on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in the 10028 zip code we are always happy to meet with new patients and inform you what is going on in your mouth.   Give us a call today at 212 517 9000. You’ll be glad you did.