Nobody wants Cavities

Everyone wants to be healthy.  Luckily today concerning your teeth with fluoride in the drinking water the amount of tooth decay is way down, especially if you make the effort to brush and floss your teeth.

How do cavities occur?  Sometimes you can be predisposed to decay due to your genetics but most of the time it is due to eating sugary, sticky foods and not removing the remaining residue by not cleaning your teeth.

The outside of your tooth is made up of enamel which is a very hard substance.  The inner part of your tooth is made up of dentin which is technically millions of little straws pressed close together.  For decay to inhabit your tooth it has to break through the enamel layer.  Think of decay as looking like an upside down or right side up pyramid depending if you are on your upper or lower teeth.

The top point is the entry point into your inner tooth.  Most people have grooves and lines on the surface of their teeth so if food remains there it disintegrates giving off acids which attack the surface of your teeth.

Once the decay forms that little hole into the interior of your tooth it now has an ideal environment to cause mayhem.  For decay to grow it is looking for a dark, warm area without oxygen and a continual source of food.  Inside your mouth it is dark, approximately 100 degrees and once the decay is inside your tooth there is no oxygen.  As you continually eat there is a constant source of food.

Since the decay is within your tooth you are unable to remove or clean it with your toothbrush and it continues to grow.  The only way to remove it is to see your dentist who will excavate it out and replace the missing tooth structure to restore your tooth to health.  You can also get decay between your teeth by not flossing to remove any impacted food remaining there after eating.

Here at Dr Glenn Reit’s dental practice we do not want you to have decay.  If you do we will remove it and restore your tooth to health. So if you are looking for a dentist on the Upper East Side of Manhattan or you are visiting the Yorkville, New York City area give us a call.

We are happy to meet with you and restore your health.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

Make every day a happy day but when you have a toothache your day will be challenging

What do you do when your tooth is biting?  For most the best answer is to find and call a dentist.

Fortunately today we have procedures to quickly get you more comfortable.  Sometimes trauma happens and you just have to respond.  Previous dentistry will eventually fail and need to be remedied.  Some fail to brush or floss and develop new areas of decay and finally others have had bad dental experiences earlier in their lives so they avoid the dentist until an emergency happens.

What causes tooth pain?  A trauma to the jaw like falling down or being hit or new dental decay which progresses around or under a previous dental restoration.   When the decay or trauma reaches your tooth’s nerve the only response a tooth can give is pain.

Oil of cloves, ice and a pain Rx can help to temporarily relieve the pain but ultimately dental treatment is necessary to resolve the situation.   When a patient’s tooth is hurting first we need to determine the cause of the pain.  

If it is simple decay we will remove the decay and replace the damaged tooth structure.  If the decay has entered the nerve then a root canal treatment where the nerve is removed from the tooth is needed or the tooth needs to be removed.   If the tooth due to trauma has cracked sometimes we can repair the crack while other times the tooth will need to be removed.  If the gums are swollen then a thorough cleaning and medicinal rinses may be necessary.  In the worst cases we will look to see if a systemic disease is causing the problem.

The intelligent person establishes a relationship with a dentist and is a known patient.  The dentist will already have a relationship with the person and x-rays on file.  Then if an emergency situation occurs the preexisting conditions in their mouth are already known.  In addition a patient having a relationship with an office will less likely experience an emergency unless it is due to trauma.

At our office we want to keep you healthy and help prevent you from ever experiencing dental pain.  Call today to schedule your appointment for a check-up and cleaning.   We look forward to meeting you.

Looking for a Emergency Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

Do Your Gums Bleed When You Brush Your Teeth?

Bleeding gums can be a sign of periodontal disease or the degradation of the tissue which holds your teeth in your jaws.  When you brush your teeth you should see no bleeding in a healthy mouth.  How do you obtain a healthy mouth?  Some people are lucky. Their genetics lead to a condition where it is hard to develop tooth decay or gum disease.

However, for most of us this is not the case.  For this group going to the dentist for routine cleanings and restoration of diseased teeth is the answer.  When you brush your teeth you bring air into your mouth.  The air has 20% oxygen and oxygen causes bacteria to break down.  The bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic meaning living without oxygen.  This bacteria desires warm, dark places without air.  Your mouth is a perfect environment for this

It is warm around 98.6 degrees, it is dark inside – no light here and there is limited oxygen around the teeth.   When you brush your teeth you bring air and oxygen into your mouth.  You can brush the top, front and back of your teeth but you cannot get in between your teeth.  Dental floss that thin waxed string has the ability to move between your teeth and bring oxygen into this area.  More importantly there is a cuff around each tooth.  In a healthy situation this cuff is one to three mm in depth.  You can therefore wrap the floss around each tooth and move into this cuff or sulcus to aerate the area and remove any food residing there.

When you eat, food begins to break down in your mouth and produce acids.  If you do not remove these acids on a regular basis it will lead to tooth decay and gum breakdown or gum disease.  You notice the beginning of the breakdown when you brush or floss your teeth and you begin to bleed.  

If your gums are not 100% healthy they are ulcerated so when touched they open up and bleed.  You can ignore this situation since it usually does not hurt but it will progress into a worse situation where you begin to lose bone called periodontitis.

By coming in for regular exams and cleaning we can check your mouth for decay and if found restore your tooth to health.  If your gums are bleeding we can do a thorough cleaning and resolve the issue.  If your gum condition has already progressed to a direr situation we have procedures to resolve that.

Your gums, teeth and breath will thank you.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

Trends in Dentistry

Over the decades dentistry has changed.  When I first started practicing there was more dental decay present in every patient.  The main culprit was the lack of fluoride in the public water system.  It was routine to see patients with cavities in almost every posterior tooth.  At that time the choices were silver or gold.   For most patients gold was too prohibitive in cost so silver was the only option.

Many other patients had severe periodontal disease necessitating the removal of their teeth and the placement of full or partial denture or plastic teeth to restore the missing spaces.  Alternatively fixed bridges or connected crowns or caps could be made to replace missing teeth.

Today things have changed.  Due to the presence of fluoride in the drinking water and better hygiene by the general public the level of decay has decreased.  Also advancements in dentistry have led to the creation of more esthetic alternatives to fix your teeth.  White fillings have replaced silver or metal fillings and implants can restore a missing tooth without damaging the adjacent teeth.

Periodontal procedures can be applied to strengthen the gums holding your teeth into your jaws.  Whitening and cosmetic procedures can enhance your appearance.  The saying you lead with your smile is readily apparent.  If you are not happy with your smile you will probably not smile.  Smiling helps to improve your outlook and positivity.

With many of us now online due to video conferencing people can really get a good look at your teeth.  A pleasing smile is appreciated, one that is not is definitely seen and commented upon even if unconsciously.  If you are concerned about your smile or you just want your teeth cleaned please give us a call to schedule an appointment.  Your teeth will thank you.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

Bleeding Gums Not Good For You

Do you ever notice after brushing your teeth, a red tinge in your sink on spitting out?  If you do and look into the mirror you will see bleeding from your gums.  This is the beginning of gum disease.  Your gums are inflamed and the act of brushing or flossing causes them to bleed.  Since your gums probably do not hurt this condition will worsen and eventually bite you.

Your gums support your teeth.  Strong gums lead to healthy teeth and a healthy mouth which contributes to a healthy body.  How can gum deterioration or gum disease happen?

When you eat most of the time food remains in your mouth.  If you do not remove the food it starts to break down releasing bacteria into your mouth.  Bacteria like warm dark places with a food supply.  Your mouth is at 98.6 degrees, is dark and as you continue to eat there is always a source of food.  As the bacteria increase they produce acids which attack your gums.

All teeth have a cuff or pocket around them.  The bacteria like to reside in these pockets.  In the first phase of gum disease the pockets become ulcerated and when you brush or floss the action of the floss or toothbrush causes your gums to bleed.

Failure to floss or brush on a continual basis allows the bacteria to continue to increase and if left long enough can lead to actual destruction of the bone that supports your teeth.  In the final phase this can lead to tooth loss.

Coming in to see us on a regular basis will prevent this scenario from occurring.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

Today Everyone Wants to Look Younger

Cosmetic Dentist 10028 Upper East Side

People dye their hair, get Botox, and lose weight to appear more youthful.  Some people even undergo optional plastic surgery to turn back time.  Another way to melt away the years is to rehabilitate your smile.  Dentistry can give you a more youthful appearance.

Time wears on all of us.  Your teeth are under a lot of pressure and challenges.  Chewing foods and drinking liquids can discolor and wear down your teeth.  Your gums can recede leading to the phrase long in the tooth.

Not to worry dentistry has evolved and we now have several ways to make you appear younger.

The quickest and least invasive is to whiten your teeth.  Products are now available to safely whiten your teeth which immediately will improve your looks.  The cost for these procedures has come down over the years so that everyone can afford to whiten their teeth.

Many older individuals have silver fillings which should be left alone.  This is one dental restoration that can last for decades.  However if the dark color is objectionable they can be replace with white fillings.

If your teeth have a shape that you find annoying they can be readily changed sometimes by just a quick adjustment which can be done without anesthesia.

More substantial changes can be done with dental restorations such as cosmetic veneers which are placed on the front of your anterior teeth to quickly change the color and shape of your teeth.  We are also able to realign the position of your teeth with clear aligner therapy commonly known as Invisalign where no one will be aware of the treatment while it progresses.

In today’s world where everyone has a camera and you’re online doing zoom conferences, looking young is a passion and every help you can get is a plus.  Cosmetic dentistry is a plus and we can offer it to you.  If this is something you are interested in then give us a call and we can show and tell you what we can do for you to achieve the smile and look you desire.

When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good life’s problems become more solvable.

Looking for a Cosmetic Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

Flossing for Healthy Gums and Teeth

Flossing Dental Cleaning Upper East Side 10028 Glenn Reit DDS

Do you floss your teeth?

You should.

You probably brush your teeth but brushing only cleans the top, front and back of your teeth.

The only way to clean in between your teeth is with dental floss since your toothbrush will not fit between your teeth.  Also dental floss cleans the area between your teeth and the adjacent gum tissues.

All the bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic meaning living without oxygen.  When you brush and floss your teeth you bring air into your mouth which contains oxygen.  The oxygen helps to prevent the multiplication of the bacteria.  Bacteria thrive in areas without oxygen, that are warm and without light.  Bacteria need a source of food to survive.  This is exactly the situation present in your mouth.

No one wants tooth decay.  If that’s you brushing twice per day and flossing is the best way to prevent dental decay and gum disease.  If you are in need of a check up or cleaning give us a call today.

Looking for a Dental Cleaning in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

How Long Can A Dental Crown Last?

Dental Crowns in Upper East Side

Dental crowns or sometimes called caps by the general public are used to restore teeth with large decay or larger broken fillings.  The crown helps to strengthen the damaged tooth and allow it to return to normal function.  Crowns are also used after a tooth has a root canal procedure wherein the nerve of the tooth has been removed due to infection leaving the tooth vulnerable to fracture.  The crown helps to keep the pieces of the tooth together.  If an individual loses a tooth and undergoes an implant which is a way of totally replacing a missing tooth the crown restores the part of the tooth you see in your mouth. Crowns can also be used for cosmetic reasons such as to replace the color of yellowed or stained teeth or teeth which are too small or misshapen.

Dental crowns are made of different materials.  In the past crowns would be made of gold.  Gold is very biocompatible with the mouth and wears the most similar to your actual teeth.  This prevents the tooth opposing the crown from wearing evenly over time.  Today most individuals will not accept the yellow color of gold so most crowns now contain porcelain which can be matched to the color of the patient’s teeth. Porcelain fused to metal gives the esthetics of porcelain with a metal substructure to support the tooth.  This is especially useful in teeth which have undergone root canal therapy and need additional support.  Today there are also crowns that have porcelain on the outside but instead of metal core a ceramic one is used to support the porcelain.  The advantage of this combination is that the crown can be even more esthetic and is a good choice for patients who have metal allergies.

Crown treatments require two appointments.  The first is when the actual tooth is put back together and an impression is taken to send to the lab which makes your final crown restoration.  On the second appointment your new crown is bonded onto the prepared tooth structure remaining in your mouth.  During the period between the two appointments which is generally several weeks a temporary restoration is placed in your mouth that allows you to continue to function normally.

So how long does a dental crown actually last?  Most crowns will last for many years.  A gold crown could last a lifetime.  The problem with crowns versus your own tooth is that your own tooth is a complete structure while the crown is like a hat on your head.   There is a crown margin all around your tooth where the crown ends and your tooth begins.  This area over time can develop decay causing the crown to fail.  Your part in this scenario is to brush and floss your teeth twice a day every day.

You need to keep this crown margin clean.  Also since porcelain is glass and you will apply a tremendous pressure to it when chewing there is the possibility of the porcelain breaking.  A crown prep is a large restoration on your tooth and sometimes the nerve within the tooth will die or become infected.  If this happens a root canal will be needed which can reduce the longevity of your tooth.

Insurance companies which do not want to pay for re-treatments believe if a crown lasts five years it is a success.  However crowns can last anywhere from 15 to 20 years.   At this point the crown may still be successful but from an esthetic standpoint the patient may want to replace it.

Looking for a Dentist Who Does Crowns in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment.  Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs.  We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

Does My Dentist Treat Bad Breath?

Does my dentist treat bad breath Upper East Side 10028

Mouthwash is only masks odor temporarily. The odor from your mouth is caused by poor oral hygiene, tongue bacteria, or digestive problems. Treating bad breath with a mouthwash is like drenching yourself with perfume/cologne instead of taking a shower. Mouthwash is a temporary mask and doesn’t solve the underlying issue. Generally, mouthwashes have a significant amount of alcohol which helps with bad breath by drying out the mouth. Some bacteria can grow faster in a dry mouth environment.

 To eliminate bad breath good oral hygiene is needed. To get rid of the hidden bacteria that is forming between your teeth you need to pay attention to flossing and brushing. By flossing between your teeth your putting oxygen to help fight the bacteria.

 By going to the dentist regularly twice a year we do an oral exam, a professional teeth cleaning and address what is causing your bad breath. There is always a solution on what causes bad breath and we are here to help.

Looking for Bad Breath Treatment in the Upper East Side?

Contact us today (212) 517-9000 or to schedule your dental appointment.