The Unfortunate Link Periodontal Disease Can Cause Systemic Problems If Left Untreated

The bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic meaning that they like places without oxygen and they like warm dark places and to be left undisturbed.  When you eat food there are bacteria all around.  How about that Yankee Stadium hotdog which has been curing all season before you consume it?

So a great incubator for bacteria is your mouth.  It's dark in there, the temperature is around 100 degrees and if you’re not flossing they are being left alone.

When you analyze how your teeth reside in your mouth they are connected to your jaws by little fibers called periodontal ligaments.  These fibers go from your teeth into your jaw bones.  In a healthy situation where your teeth and gums meet there is a little pocket or sulcus which should be 2 to 3 mm in depth.

When you eat food and you do not floss the food remains in the pockets and over time the pocket gets deeper.  Once beyond four mm in depth even if you floss you will be unable to remove the food at the base of the pocket.  So the pocket deepens, the bacteria produce acids which ulcerate your gums leading to bleeding in these areas.

Bleeding is the highway into the interior of your mouth.  So now the bacteria have a highway into your internal organs and they’re going to take a trip and visit the sights within you.  The bacteria in your mouth are not supposed to be here – so they are going to have a good time but not so much for you.

Systemic diseases linked to periodontal conditions or gum problems in your mouth can increase your risk for stroke, heart attack, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

They won’t cause these conditions but can exacerbate their occurrence.  Since gum disease can be easily prevented with a little effort on your part, why not come in today for us to take a look and see if you should be concerned.

The problem with gum disease is it silently progresses within the person without them realizing it so they’re in trouble long before they know it.   Now the condition has advanced and more definitive treatment is necessary.  We can still help to prevent its progression but being proactive is always in your best interest.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Synergy Between Dental Health and General Health

Do You Have Synergy?

Dental health and general health are connected. Eating a well balanced diet does lead to benefits with your overall physical health.  A balanced diet is getting the right types and amounts of food and drinks to supply nutritional energy for maintaining your body cells, tissues and organs supporting normal growth and development.

Certain physical maladies can have linkage to dental health such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis through inflammation of an individual’s gums or known as periodontal disease.

Without proper dental care bacteria collect on your teeth and under your gum line making you susceptible to infection in the form of gum disease.  As your immune system fights the infection your gums inflame and without treatment this inflammation continues intensifying.

Diabetes, which is growing substantially in the general population due to the high consumption of sugar in almost everything we eat increases your chances of developing periodontal disease.  On the other hand; people who have periodontal disease have a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels.

If you have heart disease periodontal disease and stroke form a relationship by aggravating the condition.  Researchers have found that people with gum disease were twice as likely to die from a heart attack and three times as likely to have a stroke.

By eliminating gum disease you will improve your overall health.  While eliminating your periodontal disease isn’t likely to cure your diabetes or heart condition it will alleviate one of the mitigating factors leading to these diseases.

Daily flossing and brushing is one of the best ways you can take to improve your health in combination with eating a healthy diet, exercising and not smoking.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS, if you have periodontal disease we will be able to diagnose it and formulate a treatment plan to move you back to a more healthy oral environment.  Sometimes it’s only a thorough cleaning, or a more advanced root planning to prevent graduating into full periodontal surgery.

Call us today at 212 517 9000 to schedule an appointment

You and your teeth will be glad you did

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Uncontrolled Periodontal Disease Can Lead to Bone Loss

I’m Melting! Even if you’re not the Wicked Witch of the West your jaw bones could be melting or dissolving.

How is that even possible?  But it is.  If you start to lose bone in your jaws the eventual consequence is the migration of your teeth out of your head.  Not a good thing.  So what causes this?

Extracted Teeth

When teeth are in your mouth the roots help to maintain bone health.  When a tooth is lost over time the surrounding bone that was supporting the tooth dissolves away.  At this time in history we are unable to grow new bone in one’s jaw.  So, you do not want to lose any.  But all is not lost.  If you have a missing tooth and some bone we can do a bone graft which would then allow us to place a new tooth in the area of the lost tooth.

Gum Infections

Also known as gum disease can lead to bone loss if not treated even though your tooth is still present within your mouth.  You may have heard of gingival inflammation leading to periodontitis or periodontal disease. With periodontitis the gums pull away from the teeth creating pockets which are the perfect breeding ground for the commencement over time of bone dissolving infections.

Your body generally gives you a sign this is occurring.  Swollen, inflamed and painful gums leading to loose teeth within your mouth.  Other causes are the overconsumption of alcohol, failure to routinely brush and floss your teeth or medications that lead to dry mouth.

Abscessed Tooth

When decay gets into the inside of your tooth to an extent that it affects the nerve the subsequent infection over time will dissolve the bond at the apical or deepest portion of the tooth’s root.  Here dental treatment of a root canal or finally an extraction will be needed to resolve the situation.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit DDS we like meeting people and resolving their dental issues.  Even if you only need a cleaning, give us a call at 212 517 9000 and come on down and we will help you to achieve dental health.   We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue in Yorkville between 84th and 85th streets.

So call today you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Your Little Friend – Maybe?

Everyone has to eat if you’re to survive.  For the food to be of value it must be broken down into its component parts in order for your body to inherit the nutrients within.  Digestion begins in your mouth as the food enters.  Your teeth through chewing reduce the bulk of the food into sizes that your body can more easily handle.

The food you ingest also contains bacteria and some organisms which are not conducive to your health. Bacteria thrive in areas that are dark, warm and without air.  This describes your mouth precisely.  It is warm close to 100 degrees; it is dark when you close your mouth and there are areas around the necks of your teeth if the food gets into where there is little oxygen present.

Brushing and flossing help to clear out any remaining pieces of food after eating.  If you do not clean out this detritus then bacterial colonies will form and grow eventually leading to gum disease.  So now you have an unwarranted city of little friends setting up residence within your mouth.

Not too shabby or maybe it is.  Gum disease takes a long time to hurt and that is why people can get it and live with it.  If you do not want that city developing within your mouth then you need to brush and floss your teeth twice per day.   Proper brushing and flossing will remove the remnants of your meals.

If you are experiencing bad breath, if your gums are bleeding when brushing or flossing, if the roots of your teeth are becoming sensitive and your gums look swollen and red; you may be in the process of building a bacterial colony within your mouth.

Your blood system or circulatory system carries things throughout your body.  It is your internal river system.  So, if you start to increase the supply of bacteria in your mouth some of them will soon decide to move elsewhere causing more mayhem.  Bacteria of your mouth can lead to inflammation of your circulatory system and possibly inflammation of your heart.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit located on the Upper East Side of New York City in the area of Yorkville we like to meet new people and help them in maintaining the health of their teeth and gums.

Come on in and we will look at what is or is not going on in your mouth.  We can evaluate your home hygiene routine and check to make sure all is well.

If we find anything we will help you correct the situation and give you options and the costs involved before proceeding with any treatment. We have evening and Saturday hours to fit with your busy schedule. We participate with most major dental insurance carriers and in many cases the cost for exams, x-rays and cleaning are covered at 100%.  We can check your insurance benefits before you arrive and tell you exactly what to expect.

 As it is often said Happy Mouth, Happy Life and let’s make sure that you choose who your little friends might be.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

Do Your Gums Bleed When You Brush Your Teeth?

Bleeding gums can be a sign of periodontal disease or the degradation of the tissue which holds your teeth in your jaws.  When you brush your teeth you should see no bleeding in a healthy mouth.  How do you obtain a healthy mouth?  Some people are lucky. Their genetics lead to a condition where it is hard to develop tooth decay or gum disease.

However, for most of us this is not the case.  For this group going to the dentist for routine cleanings and restoration of diseased teeth is the answer.  When you brush your teeth you bring air into your mouth.  The air has 20% oxygen and oxygen causes bacteria to break down.  The bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic meaning living without oxygen.  This bacteria desires warm, dark places without air.  Your mouth is a perfect environment for this

It is warm around 98.6 degrees, it is dark inside – no light here and there is limited oxygen around the teeth.   When you brush your teeth you bring air and oxygen into your mouth.  You can brush the top, front and back of your teeth but you cannot get in between your teeth.  Dental floss that thin waxed string has the ability to move between your teeth and bring oxygen into this area.  More importantly there is a cuff around each tooth.  In a healthy situation this cuff is one to three mm in depth.  You can therefore wrap the floss around each tooth and move into this cuff or sulcus to aerate the area and remove any food residing there.

When you eat, food begins to break down in your mouth and produce acids.  If you do not remove these acids on a regular basis it will lead to tooth decay and gum breakdown or gum disease.  You notice the beginning of the breakdown when you brush or floss your teeth and you begin to bleed.  

If your gums are not 100% healthy they are ulcerated so when touched they open up and bleed.  You can ignore this situation since it usually does not hurt but it will progress into a worse situation where you begin to lose bone called periodontitis.

By coming in for regular exams and cleaning we can check your mouth for decay and if found restore your tooth to health.  If your gums are bleeding we can do a thorough cleaning and resolve the issue.  If your gum condition has already progressed to a direr situation we have procedures to resolve that.

Your gums, teeth and breath will thank you.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.