The Unfortunate Link Periodontal Disease Can Cause Systemic Problems If Left Untreated

The bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic meaning that they like places without oxygen and they like warm dark places and to be left undisturbed.  When you eat food there are bacteria all around.  How about that Yankee Stadium hotdog which has been curing all season before you consume it?

So a great incubator for bacteria is your mouth.  It's dark in there, the temperature is around 100 degrees and if you’re not flossing they are being left alone.

When you analyze how your teeth reside in your mouth they are connected to your jaws by little fibers called periodontal ligaments.  These fibers go from your teeth into your jaw bones.  In a healthy situation where your teeth and gums meet there is a little pocket or sulcus which should be 2 to 3 mm in depth.

When you eat food and you do not floss the food remains in the pockets and over time the pocket gets deeper.  Once beyond four mm in depth even if you floss you will be unable to remove the food at the base of the pocket.  So the pocket deepens, the bacteria produce acids which ulcerate your gums leading to bleeding in these areas.

Bleeding is the highway into the interior of your mouth.  So now the bacteria have a highway into your internal organs and they’re going to take a trip and visit the sights within you.  The bacteria in your mouth are not supposed to be here – so they are going to have a good time but not so much for you.

Systemic diseases linked to periodontal conditions or gum problems in your mouth can increase your risk for stroke, heart attack, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

They won’t cause these conditions but can exacerbate their occurrence.  Since gum disease can be easily prevented with a little effort on your part, why not come in today for us to take a look and see if you should be concerned.

The problem with gum disease is it silently progresses within the person without them realizing it so they’re in trouble long before they know it.   Now the condition has advanced and more definitive treatment is necessary.  We can still help to prevent its progression but being proactive is always in your best interest.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

My Gums are Bleeding; What Will I Do?

If your gums are bleeding when you brush your teeth this is a warning sign that all is not right in your mouth.  Many patients today have no or very little dental decay due to the incorporation of fluoride into the general drinking water.

So having no cavities is a good thing but what about the structures that support your teeth.  Like a building your teeth need a strong foundation to survive.  Here in New York City all buildings have a stable foundation if correctly constructed due to the fact Manhattan Island is supported by solid bedrock.

The foundation for your teeth is the bone in your upper and lower jaws.  In addition to the bone your gums surround your teeth and offer protection and health if maintained.   How do you maintain your gum health?  That’s easy.  All you need to do in addition to brushing twice a day is to include flossing in your daily teeth cleaning regime.

We all know what dental floss is.  It’s that little fine string sold everywhere that you use to clean between your teeth.  Why don’t many people use it?  Well, you have to learn how to do it and it takes a little effort in the beginning.

Think of your teeth as cubes or squares.  There’s a top, front, back, bottom and sides.  Your toothbrush gets the top, front and back but cannot get in between your teeth.  Obviously, you can’t clean the bottom of your tooth unless you are holding it in your hand but with no daily effort to keep your teeth clean over time this might become your eventuality.

So think about it.  If you don’t clean in between your teeth those areas are never clean.  So when you eat food as most of us do and you leave remnants of the food in between your teeth from not cleaning there, the food starts to break down.  As it does it releases acids into your mouth which attack your teeth and your gums.

How do you know if your gums are under attack?  If when brushing or flossing you see blood appearing throughout your mouth then you know you gums are under attack.  If left long enough; this bleeding can become a generalized inflammation leading to tooth sensitivity, decay and eventual tooth loss.

In addition, the bacteria in your mouth when you have bleeding gums now have a pathway into the rest of your body which can cause havoc.

So if you’re bleeding come in for a cleaning and we will teach you how to brush and floss and evaluate your condition.  Being proactive is always better than being reactive.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Uncontrolled Periodontal Disease Can Lead to Bone Loss

I’m Melting! Even if you’re not the Wicked Witch of the West your jaw bones could be melting or dissolving.

How is that even possible?  But it is.  If you start to lose bone in your jaws the eventual consequence is the migration of your teeth out of your head.  Not a good thing.  So what causes this?

Extracted Teeth

When teeth are in your mouth the roots help to maintain bone health.  When a tooth is lost over time the surrounding bone that was supporting the tooth dissolves away.  At this time in history we are unable to grow new bone in one’s jaw.  So, you do not want to lose any.  But all is not lost.  If you have a missing tooth and some bone we can do a bone graft which would then allow us to place a new tooth in the area of the lost tooth.

Gum Infections

Also known as gum disease can lead to bone loss if not treated even though your tooth is still present within your mouth.  You may have heard of gingival inflammation leading to periodontitis or periodontal disease. With periodontitis the gums pull away from the teeth creating pockets which are the perfect breeding ground for the commencement over time of bone dissolving infections.

Your body generally gives you a sign this is occurring.  Swollen, inflamed and painful gums leading to loose teeth within your mouth.  Other causes are the overconsumption of alcohol, failure to routinely brush and floss your teeth or medications that lead to dry mouth.

Abscessed Tooth

When decay gets into the inside of your tooth to an extent that it affects the nerve the subsequent infection over time will dissolve the bond at the apical or deepest portion of the tooth’s root.  Here dental treatment of a root canal or finally an extraction will be needed to resolve the situation.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit DDS we like meeting people and resolving their dental issues.  Even if you only need a cleaning, give us a call at 212 517 9000 and come on down and we will help you to achieve dental health.   We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue in Yorkville between 84th and 85th streets.

So call today you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

To Scale or Not

When one hears the word scale what comes to mind is scaling a mountain but in dentistry it’s cleaning a surface generally the surface of a tooth. When you eat food residue remains in your mouth.  When food is broken down it releases sugars. Bacteria need sugar to survive and especially like warm dark places without oxygen.

Guess what?  That’s exactly the situation in your mouth.  It’s dark, warm with limited oxygen.   Therefore to maintain your dental health you need to floss and brush daily.

Think of your teeth as cubes or squares.  When you brush your teeth you are cleaning the top, front and back of the tooth.  However, you are not cleaning in between your teeth.  This is where dental floss that little string comes in.  The floss can get in between your teeth to clean out whatever you have packed in.

If you’re not flossing and brushing you’re leaving food which will eventually lead to cavities and gum disease.  That’s where we come in.  We will be able to help you restore your mouth to a healthy condition painlessly and quickly.

If things are good a simple cleaning which includes scaling where we remove any hard deposits on your teeth followed by a cleaning with toothpaste.  You and your mouth will feel a whole lot better.

 If things are not so good meaning that your gums are inflamed and bleeding a more advanced cleaning will be needed.  In this situation we will get the area anesthetized and then be able to clean the inflamed areas more thoroughly with you remaining in comfort.   Once accomplished, your gums will begin to heal up and your mouth will feel a whole lot fresher.

For most individuals gum disease does not hurt and this allows it to progressively get worse without the patient realizing it.  If left untreated; it will eventually come back to bite you.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in Yorkville we like people and we also like teeth.  So if you have or even if you don’t have any teeth come on by – we’d like to meet you and resolve any oral problems you may have.

We’re right across from our very own Mickey Dees on Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets.  So give us a call today at 212 517 9000 you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!