Your Immune System

When you think about it your most important friend is your immune system. Your immune system is a defense system of cells, tissues and organs which protect you from disease. Evolution has taken millions of years but in the past century the industrial revolution has changed the environment. Our air and water supply are no longer as pristine as they once were. Here in the city our cars release copious amounts of carbon monoxide, there is waste runoff into the rivers, microwave towers surround us and then there is constant noise. All of these external pressures tax your immune system whether you believe it or not. You know the problem is real when more hospital complexes are being built here in the city and on television there seems to be an unending cascade of drug commercials. Our evolution has not caught up with our technology. Sure there are more cures but wouldn’t it be better to not need one? So what are you to do? You need to do something. You can’t change your genetic makeup. You are what you are. However, your first line of defense is a healthy lifestyle including a diet high in fruit and vegetables, regular exercise, a healthy weight, adequate sleep, moderate alcohol intake, no smoking and a reduction of stress. Meditation helps here. Having a healthy mouth is good for you and a beautiful smile makes for a more youthful appearance and contributes to your overall health. We want you to look and feel better especially after being with us. A strengthened immune system allows you to more fully enjoy life.

Located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan we’re in your neighborhood.  If not the 4,5,6, and Q subways lines are one block away.  If you are looking for a dentist maybe we’re the ones.  We are located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th Streets.  So give us a call today at 212 517 9000.  You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Your Healthy Mouth Contributes Towards A Healthy Body

Do you realize that your mouth and teeth are connected to the rest of you? Your mouth is a direct access point into your inner body. Healthy teeth and gums are important in maintaining a healthy mouth. A healthy body is now more important than ever. If your gums are bleeding the bacteria in your mouth have a direct highway into your body and can cause havoc. You may not be travelling but harmful bacteria are always on the move and love warm, dark places with little oxygen and plenty of food. Dental problems never go away, they just get bigger. Prevention is always preferable to restoration especially since going to the dentist is not on most people’s top ten list of things to do. So, if you have not been in for your cleaning and check up now would be a very good time. Your mouth and body will thank you and getting out and about is always beneficial.

Need a dentist – maybe we are the one.  We are located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in Yorkville at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets.  We are always looking to meet new people and take care of their dental needs.  You can reach us at 212 517 9000 to speak with us.  Even if all you are looking for is a dental cleaning – give us a call.  You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Even When You’re In A Rush You Still Have Time to Brush

Teeth are good especially if you like to eat and smile.  You lead with your smile and right or wrong people make subconscious judgments about you based on your smile.  Unless you enjoy a liquid diet, teeth are necessary to chew your food before swallowing. 

It’s all a matter of routines.  We all have routines and once ingrained we follow them routinely.  Tooth cleaning is a good routine to develop.  When you eat food remains on your teeth.  As the food breaks down acids are released.  The acids attack the surfaces of your teeth.  Your teeth are covered with a strong surface called enamel. 

As you progress through life the enamel is worn down.  Under the enamel is a layer called dentin which makes up the majority of the bulk of your tooth.  However, dentin is not as strong as enamel and once exposed wears down quickly and is more prone to decay. 

When you clean your teeth you remove this acidic layer in your mouth and prevent the destruction of your enamel layer of the tooth.  Realizing your teeth are basically cubes when you brush them you are only able to clean the top, front and back surfaces.

To clean in between you need that little string called dental floss.  Now you are able to get in between the adjacent teeth and keep the acid layer from accumulating there.  Failure to clean leads to decay and potential gum disease.  Your gums hold your teeth into your head so they need to be healthy. 

Twice per year you should come in for a professional cleaning and for us to check if you are doing a good job.  Prevention is always better than intervention meaning preventing more advanced dental treatment.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit DDS located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in Yorkville at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets in Yorkville we are here for you.  We always like meeting new people and helping them to achieve dental health.

So if you are in need of a cleaning or something more give us a call at 212 517 9000. You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Affordable Teeth Whitening

Do you want whiter teeth?  Do you want to not spend a lot?  Do you want it to be easy?  If so give us a call at 212 517 9000 and come on in for your teeth to be whiter.  We have a system that has pleased our patients for the past ten years.  Since Dental Insurance does not cover whitening everyone who desires it has to pay out of pocket and we are getting no complaints.  Realize that the whiter your teeth are to begin with the whiter we can make them.  Most patients’ teeth are shades of yellow, grey and even brown.   For these individuals the whitening product will not turn your teeth white but will lighten their appearance making you happier.

A dental exam and x-rays are necessary before performing a whitening procedure since the whitening gel cannot be placed on teeth with active decay or gums that are inflamed.  We even reduce the price further during our yearly Holiday Whitening Sale from Thanksgiving to New Year for those patients wanting to save even more.

Whether you need a cleaning or dental checkup in addition to whitening your teeth, we are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets in Yorkville on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.  We are one block away from the 4 5 6 and Q subway lines and there is plenty of bus service.

We like meeting new people and helping them to resolve their dental needs.  So don’t delay call today.  You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Eating Healthy for Your Smile

Today pre diabetes is becoming rampant in the population.  You do not have full blown diabetes where you need Insulin to survive but your sugar level in the bloodstream is dangerously high.  Why is this?  Well, it’s because most of us eat way too much sugar.  There is sugar in everything but some of our eating choices cause us to ingest way too much.

A good thing is that when you go to the supermarket, food labels now tell you how many grams of sugar are in the product you are buying.  Even healthy foods such as yogurt can contain added sugar.  The worst culprits are sodas.  Looking at the label it’s like pouring a sugar bowl down your throat.  Over time these increased levels of sugar intake cause havoc in your body in addition to enlarging your waist thereby putting increased pressure on your joints and your heart.

As far as your teeth are concerned increased sugar intake can lead to dental cavities and gum disease.  So if you want to watch the amount of sugar you are ingesting and to help your teeth remain healthy here are six things you should make as habits.

When you get up in the morning and before going to bed you need to brush your teeth.  Brushing gets the top, front and back of your teeth but don’t forget in between your teeth.  These surfaces also need to be cleaned.  Here is where dental floss comes in.  This thin tiny waxed strand can move into the spaces between your teeth and keep these areas clean.

If you are a gum chewer make sure to avoid gums that contain sugar.  There are plenty of sugarless gums now available.  A dry mouth is conducive to dental decay so if your mouth is continually dry chewing gum helps to produce saliva thereby keeping your mouth wet.

Be careful in consuming sticky foods like caramel and taffy.  These substances have a tendency to stick to your teeth and generally contain large amounts of sugar.  Even dried fruit which seems to be healthy can be loaded with sugar and readily stick to your teeth.

You want to consume nutritious foods such as raw fruits and vegetables which help to support your immune system.

Do you like cheese – good for you.  Cheese contains calcium that breaks down acids in your mouth which can attack your teeth.  Cheese is tasty and enlivens your meals, but don’t go overboard since cheese is high in fat.

Moderate your intake of acidic foods.  No sucking on lemons here when having an ice tea or too many carbonated drinks.  Direct and constant exposure to these substances will wear down the enamel or outer protective coating of your teeth.

If you are concerned about the condition of your teeth and have not seen a dentist in a while we are here for you.  A quick exam and cleaning will confirm that your mouth is in tip top shape. 

At the dental office of Dr Glenn Reit we like meeting people of the neighborhood and taking care of their dental concerns.  We are conveniently located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in Yorkville at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets.   If you ride the bus or take the subway the 4 5 6 and Q subway lines are one block away.

So call today, you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Smile Boosters

Do You Need A Boost

Who Ya Going to Call; Smile Booster’s?

Sometimes when looking in the mirror you might see something you’re not too thrilled about.  It could be the space between your lips as in your teeth.  Maybe you need a little upgrade.  Here are 4 Smile Boosters that can improve your smile.

1.       Teeth Whitening is quick, easy, affordable and non-invasive.   External tooth whitening occurs when teeth whitening agents bleach the teeth directly. 

2.       Dental Implants are another common procedure that many New Yorkers now seek to replace missing teeth.  A dental implant is secured into one of your jaws and then a natural-looking crown is attached to the implant.  In addition to improving your appearance it restores tooth function and maintains your bone support.

3.       Dental Bonding can be done using various materials such as porcelain and composite resins.  These materials can now precisely replicate natural tooth structure and natural appearance.

4.       Periodontal Plastic Surgery is a terrific solution for gum recession and cosmetic irregularities.

You can remove a gummy smile or remedy an uneven gum line.

If you are interested in boosting your smile give us a call today at 212 517 9000.

You and your teeth will be glad you did

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Synergy Between Dental Health and General Health

Do You Have Synergy?

Dental health and general health are connected. Eating a well balanced diet does lead to benefits with your overall physical health.  A balanced diet is getting the right types and amounts of food and drinks to supply nutritional energy for maintaining your body cells, tissues and organs supporting normal growth and development.

Certain physical maladies can have linkage to dental health such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis through inflammation of an individual’s gums or known as periodontal disease.

Without proper dental care bacteria collect on your teeth and under your gum line making you susceptible to infection in the form of gum disease.  As your immune system fights the infection your gums inflame and without treatment this inflammation continues intensifying.

Diabetes, which is growing substantially in the general population due to the high consumption of sugar in almost everything we eat increases your chances of developing periodontal disease.  On the other hand; people who have periodontal disease have a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels.

If you have heart disease periodontal disease and stroke form a relationship by aggravating the condition.  Researchers have found that people with gum disease were twice as likely to die from a heart attack and three times as likely to have a stroke.

By eliminating gum disease you will improve your overall health.  While eliminating your periodontal disease isn’t likely to cure your diabetes or heart condition it will alleviate one of the mitigating factors leading to these diseases.

Daily flossing and brushing is one of the best ways you can take to improve your health in combination with eating a healthy diet, exercising and not smoking.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS, if you have periodontal disease we will be able to diagnose it and formulate a treatment plan to move you back to a more healthy oral environment.  Sometimes it’s only a thorough cleaning, or a more advanced root planning to prevent graduating into full periodontal surgery.

Call us today at 212 517 9000 to schedule an appointment

You and your teeth will be glad you did

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Uncontrolled Periodontal Disease Can Lead to Bone Loss

I’m Melting! Even if you’re not the Wicked Witch of the West your jaw bones could be melting or dissolving.

How is that even possible?  But it is.  If you start to lose bone in your jaws the eventual consequence is the migration of your teeth out of your head.  Not a good thing.  So what causes this?

Extracted Teeth

When teeth are in your mouth the roots help to maintain bone health.  When a tooth is lost over time the surrounding bone that was supporting the tooth dissolves away.  At this time in history we are unable to grow new bone in one’s jaw.  So, you do not want to lose any.  But all is not lost.  If you have a missing tooth and some bone we can do a bone graft which would then allow us to place a new tooth in the area of the lost tooth.

Gum Infections

Also known as gum disease can lead to bone loss if not treated even though your tooth is still present within your mouth.  You may have heard of gingival inflammation leading to periodontitis or periodontal disease. With periodontitis the gums pull away from the teeth creating pockets which are the perfect breeding ground for the commencement over time of bone dissolving infections.

Your body generally gives you a sign this is occurring.  Swollen, inflamed and painful gums leading to loose teeth within your mouth.  Other causes are the overconsumption of alcohol, failure to routinely brush and floss your teeth or medications that lead to dry mouth.

Abscessed Tooth

When decay gets into the inside of your tooth to an extent that it affects the nerve the subsequent infection over time will dissolve the bond at the apical or deepest portion of the tooth’s root.  Here dental treatment of a root canal or finally an extraction will be needed to resolve the situation.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit DDS we like meeting people and resolving their dental issues.  Even if you only need a cleaning, give us a call at 212 517 9000 and come on down and we will help you to achieve dental health.   We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue in Yorkville between 84th and 85th streets.

So call today you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

What is a Dental Exam?

When is an exam an exam?

When you go to the dentist you will be examined.  What types of exams are provided at a dental office?  Your exam will be based on your situation.  If you are a new patient and have no urgent problem you will receive a first time comprehensive examination.  Here we will take x rays of your teeth and supporting structures to get a baseline on where you’re at.  We will examine your teeth, gums and oral cavity.  We will palpate and examine your masticator muscles and your jaw joint.  We will then be able to give you an evaluation of where you are presently at and what types of treatment would be amenable to your state.

In a periodic evaluation you are already a patient of the practice and are on a recall care schedule.  Generally this means you are coming in twice per year to have a dental cleaning and check the condition of your teeth, gums and oral cavity.  We generally take recall x-rays once every two years.

An emergency evaluation is done on a new patient in pain or an existing patient experiencing a dental trauma.  Here we evaluate the particular situation which is bothering you and take any needed x-rays.

Evaluations are the first step before treatment.  For larger cases a game plan is created to address your needs. In all situations multiple alternatives are given and costs involved are fully discussed before the commencement of any treatments allowing you to make an informed decision on your dental care.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS located in Yorkville we are always looking to meet more new patients.  If you are in need of a dentist give us a call at 212 517 9000 today.  You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Peace Begins With A Smile

Mother Teresa once said “Peace begins with a smile” So smiling is good for all especially you.  How do you feel about your smile?  Are you at peace with it?  Are proud to flash a wide happy grin?  Do you believe it is beautiful?  Does it express your real you?

There are ways to restore or correct the vagaries of nature.   If you are not content with the appearance or condition of your teeth, gums or bite give us a call at 212 517 9000. 

For the past several decades I have been providing dental services for the rejuvenation of your smile.  A great smile will also make you feel a whole lot better and be a help as you travel through life.  It can be achieved today.

We’re conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets in Yorkville.

So call today – you and your smile will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!