The War on Teeth Remains

On the HBO show “Game of Thrones,” multiple houses are under attack, and their leaders must shore up foundations for the coming siege. Each house is different from the others, having certain advantages and disadvantages. Using intelligence, cunning, and a plan of action, each leader’s goal is to obtain the throne and be crowned the king or queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Your teeth are also under siege and need to be protected from the coming storm. Daily brushing and flossing will hold back the tide of tooth decay and gum disease. Grinding and clenching at night due to New York City stress also attacks your teeth and can fracture existing restorations. When a tooth fractures due to decay, stress, or a worn-out filling, you may need to be crowned. A crown holds your tooth together just like the chosen one holds the Seven Kingdoms together. Crowns help to prolong the longevity of your tooth by maintaining its structural integrity. Unlike the show, you are already a king or queen, but just as there are multiple houses competing for the throne, there are multiple crowns to choose from. The gold standard is a gold crown. Its advantages are that it is similar to the properties of your tooth and will generally last the longest. However, it’s yellow in color and to most is no longer acceptable. The porcelain-fused metal crown combines the strength of metal with a layer of porcelain to match the shade of your other teeth. Its advantages are strength and aesthetics. Today, many individuals don’t want metal restoration and are looking for more natural alternatives. Since metal allergies are increasing, dental manufacturers have now developed crowns without metal components. These crowns have porcelain on the outside and a ceramic core on the inside. These crowns also have adequate strength and superior aesthetics. Before we undertake the reconstruction of your tooth, we will develop a plan for what works best for you, how long it will take, the costs involved, and allay any of your fears.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit we are here for you and your teeth.  Give us a call at 212 517 9000 you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Do Your Teeth Need a Facelift?

You lead with your face and a major component of your face is your teeth.  Maybe when you look in the mirror you’re not thrilled.  If only my teeth could look better. It is a common belief that when you look better you generally feel better.

What can I do?  Today in dentistry we have a solution for crooked, minimally misaligned, misshapen or stained teeth called veneers.  These are thin pieces of porcelain matched to the shade you desire and placed on the front surface of your teeth.

They are super strong tooth colored porcelain laminates which are shaped into thin shells and custom fitted for each patient’s unique set of teeth.  How many veneers should you get? This depends on how many teeth you want to improve and the overall condition of your teeth.

The thickness, enamel color, alignment and shape of your existing teeth will impact the results achieved.

Your gum condition needs also to be evaluated before treatment begins.  Ideally if you are doing several teeth they need to be done at the same time.

Dental Veneers are not as strong as your original teeth since they are an addition to your tooth, but they are a viable alternative to improving your smile and are more conservative in nature than a dental crown or cap.  An alternative to veneers are dental bondings but their long term longevity is less and in some cases a veneer or crown is the only alternative to improve the esthetics of your smile.

Dr Glenn Reit, having practiced in Los Angeles and New York for decades and being involved in these procedures since their inception, if you are interested in learning more about dental veneers and to see if you are a candidate for this procedure give us a call today at 212 517 9000.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

What about Whitestrips?

Do whitestrips work?  You know about them and you see them but what’s it all about Whitestrips.

For some reason they work great if you are a teenager.  Whenever I see someone who has really white teeth I ask them if they used whitestrips in their teens and the answer is always yet.  I have been doing dentistry for decades and this seems always to be the case both here and in Los Angeles.  But something strange happens once you turn 20 they no longer seem to work.  I don’t know why it’s just my observation.

The problem is that the concentration of the whitening agent on the strips is quite low because the manufacturer knows this is unsupervised self treatment and following directions is out the window.

Youngsters probably load up on the strips beyond the directions stated and at a young age the teeth seem more adaptable to the product.

But, if you are over twenty; you’re not going to get the result you desire.  However, since the cost is low and sometimes they are even on sale your buddies will say why you paid the dentist when you could have gotten it done for less with the whitestrips.  So give it a try, it will at least alleviate any feelings of buyer’s remorse.

Here in our practice after trying numerous products we have found a whitening system that seems to work for most patients.  No your teeth are not going to look super white but they will look whiter and you’ll be a little happier.  All our patients are paying for this treatment since there is no dental insurance reimbursement for this procedure and we are not receiving any complaints.

 So if you’re looking for whiter teeth or just in need of a cleaning give us a call at 212 517 9000. 

We are always happy to meet new people and help them achieve their dental health.  Please realize if you want to proceed with whitening we need to make sure there are no cavities or infection in your mouth.  The bleaching gel is strong and will not damage your teeth but with active decay or gum disease these conditions need to be treated before undergoing the procedure.

We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets in Yorkville directly across our very own Upper East Side Mickey Dees.  We are in a five story brownstone on the second floor, one block from the 4 5 6 and Q subway lines and 3rd Avenue bus stop.

Call today you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Are You Happy With Your Smile?

Fall into the Gap or maybe not.   Do you want to appear like David Letterman?  Maybe you do but maybe you do not.  We are talking about dental dilemmas here.  Like a big space between your upper front teeth.  Good for sucking juice through a straw with your mouth closed but not so well for most when smiling.  Remember you lead with your smile.  So what can you do?

Here at the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS we can cosmetically close that space using various alternatives.  The first and best is to do orthodontics to move the teeth together.  This is accomplished using Invisalign removable retainers which will sequentially move your teeth into a more esthetic appearance.

Don’t want to go through orthodontics then cosmetic bonding is another alternative.  Here resin composite which matches the color of your teeth is placed without drilling or injections to recreate a more pleasing appearance when you smile.   If the space is somewhat large dental veneers made in a dental lab used on multiple teeth can achieve the smile you are looking for.

When you love your smile your confidence increases and you smile more often making those you interact with you feel a whole lot better.

So give us a call at 212 517 9000.  We are always looking to meet new people.  We are conveniently located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets.

So don’t delay call today and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Wearing Your Best Smile

When You’re Smiling The Whole World Smiles With You

The saying you lead with your smile is quite true.  If your teeth look healthy and are esthetically pleasing you smile more.  Smiling can become contagious.  A happy healthy look for you makes others around you also feel better.  Your smile gives you confidence to achieve.  Today in dentistry we have the ability to restore your teeth to health and if Mother Nature didn’t give you the best smile we can help to correct the situation. 

The easiest correction is if your teeth are a tad too yellow we can bleach them to something more pleasing.  If your teeth are out of alignment we can use clear tray orthodontics to bring them more into position.  If your teeth are chipped or broken we can restore them to health and beauty with crowns, veneers or onlays.

Your gums are the frame around the picture.  If your gums are inflamed and angry looking we can treat them so they return to health.  If you have a gummy smile that affects your smile we can do minor gum surgery to correct the situation.

Sometimes the first step is to just come in for a consultation and tell us what bothers you.  Not being a dentist you probably do not know what alternatives now exist to make you look even more beautiful.  If everything is fine and all you need or want is a cleaning we are also here for you.

Dental insurance actually covers a percentage for most dental treatments we provide so your expense is even reduced.  Even if going to the dentist is not on the top of your to-do list , if you find yourself raising your hand to cover your mouth whenever a photo is taken, or if your smile is always with your lips closed, maybe it’s time to come in and see what we can do for you.

A more pleasing smile could change your life for the better.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS we like meeting new people and we love taking care of their teeth.  Conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th Streets in Yorkville we are easy to get to.  So if you are so inclined give us a call today at 212 517 9000

You and your smile will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Peace Begins With A Smile

Mother Teresa once said “Peace begins with a smile” So smiling is good for all especially you.  How do you feel about your smile?  Are you at peace with it?  Are proud to flash a wide happy grin?  Do you believe it is beautiful?  Does it express your real you?

There are ways to restore or correct the vagaries of nature.   If you are not content with the appearance or condition of your teeth, gums or bite give us a call at 212 517 9000. 

For the past several decades I have been providing dental services for the rejuvenation of your smile.  A great smile will also make you feel a whole lot better and be a help as you travel through life.  It can be achieved today.

We’re conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets in Yorkville.

So call today – you and your smile will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Gum Health and Diet

Riot Riot; What is in your Diet?

The adage you are what you eat is TRUE.

Eat it today wear it tomorrow is also accurate.

To maintain health you should limit the amount of carbohydrates and sugar you consume.  Yes, you do need carbohydrates and in reality all foods eaten are converted into sugars your body needs to function.

But too much bread, pasta, potatoes, cakes, cookies, candies and sodas will multiply your daily calorie consumption and lead to increased levels of body fat.

As for your teeth sugary foods are broken down into acids which can and will attack the enamel of your teeth.  Cavities or decay in teeth are formed by these acids breaking through the enamel layer which surrounds your teeth.  Once through this layer the major part of your tooth is made of dentin which is a lot more susceptible to decay.  In addition once inside your tooth you are no longer able to keep the area clean, so the decay grows and leads to problems.

You should be brushing your teeth twice per day, once in the morning upon waking and again in the evening before retiring.   This will help to reduce the bacterial count in your mouth.  Since your teeth are cube shaped you also need to floss at these times.   The floss gets in between your teeth and removes any food build up present.

Your teeth want to be cleaned professionally; a healthy smile will be appreciated by you and those you interact with.  At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS we like people and we like helping people to maintain their dental health.

Conveniently located in Yorkville on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in the 10028 zip code at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th Streets – we are easy to get to.  The 4, 5, 6 and Q subway lines are one block from our door.  We are located in a five story brownstone on the second floor directly across from our very own Upper East Side McDonald’s.

If you think you have a problem or just want a dental cleaning give us a call today at 212 517 9000.

You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

How to Keep Your Smile Looking Young and Healthy

Everyone wants to be Healthy and Healthy Teeth Are Part of the Equation

Most of you have teeth.  Teeth are good especially if you like food and food is necessary if you want to stay alive.  There will come a time in life when eating will be your greatest pleasure.  So you want your teeth to last and to last you need to make a little effort to help them survive.

Your teeth want to be cleaned on a daily basis.  Think of each tooth as a little square box.   There is a top front, back and sides.  The bottom or basement is in your jaw so this part may not seem apparent.  Tooth brushing gets the top, front and back.

All the bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic, meaning without oxygen.  When you brush your teeth you bring air into your mouth which contains 20% oxygen.  The oxygen destroys the bacteria helping you to prevent dental decay. 

However, your toothbrush cannot get to the sides of most of your teeth unless you have a missing one.  These areas also need to be cleaned so you need to floss.  You know that thin little string that can get in between your teeth.  Just like the toothbrush the floss pulls air between your teeth and the oxygen within helps to destroy the bacterial colonies always present in your mouth.

Bacteria like warm, dark places with food.  So to keep your mouth and teeth healthy you need to floss and brush in the morning and at night.  Before you go to sleep by cleaning your mouth you decrease the bacteria present and upon waking you remove the buildup that has occurred while you’re asleep. Everyone knows the experience of morning mouth.

What you consume also plays a part in keeping your mouth healthy.  The outside of your teeth are made of enamel, the strongest substance in your body but even this material can become damaged by eating too much sugar or acidic foods such as citrus fruits.  Calcium rich foods such as cheese, milk and nuts protect tooth enamel.

Also, drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Water also serves to wash away foods recently eaten within your mouth.  If you have dry mouth due to aging and/or medications you are on, chewing gums stimulates saliva keeping your mouth moist which is a good thing.

At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit we want you and your teeth to be healthy.  If your teeth are facing some challenges and even if they are not, give us a call at 212 517 9000.  We are here for you even if all you need is a cleaning.    It is always better to be proactive versus reactive.   So call today; your teeth will thank you.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Tools for Tooth Transformations

Are You Looking At Me?

Well, people are and when they do they see your teeth.  You lead with your smile.  Don’t you want to have a healthy and flattering appearance?  Unfortunately, for some you’re given teeth that are not what you desire.  Not to worry today in dentistry we can transform your smile into something more pleasing.

There are several methods to do this.  If your teeth are discolored or misshapen we can recontour them using tools we have.  Sometimes this and just tooth whitening can produce wonders.  If your discoloring is more intense a dental veneer can be made.  Here a small piece of porcelain is bonded onto the front of your anterior teeth producing the shape and color you desire.

Sometimes decay from not flossing or brushing occurs.  Today we have white fillings which will match the color of your existing tooth and will replace the damaged part of the tooth.

Due to the stresses of life and former dental work, a tooth can fracture.  Here a dental crown or cap can be fabricated to restore the look and function of the affected tooth.  With a crown you are now officially a king or queen.

Sometimes, teeth have a will of their own and will move into areas not appreciated by you.  Using orthodontics we can move the teeth into a more desirable position.  Traditionally this was done using wires and brackets but now there are clear aligners which move the teeth and are virtually invisible.

At the dental practice of Dr. Glenn Reit DDS located in Yorkville we like people and the teeth connected to them.  If you are desirous of a cosmetic consultation to see what dentistry has to offer to enhance your smile give us a call at 212 517 9000.  We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue directly across from our own Upper East Side Mickey Dees on the second floor of a five story brownstone.

So if you are in the 10028, 10128, 10075 or 10021 zip codes we are in your neighborhood.    The 4,5,6, and Q subway lines are within one block of the office and bus service is readily available.

You deserve to look great so give us a call today!

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Feel Young with a Youthful Smile

Tick Tock Tick Tock Goes the Clock.
Time waits for no one and as time goes.
We all are aging and changing.

 Sometimes if you are not happy with the personal changes which are happening there are alternatives to rejuvenate an earlier or younger appearance.  Your teeth are constantly being attacked.  Chewing takes a toll.  Foods can be abrasive and corrosive.  The shapes and color of your teeth are a changing.

There are dental materials available today to revitalize your teeth.  We can make them whiter, brighter and restore their shape to as they were.  If your teeth have started to migrate to areas you’d rather they didn’t we can bring them back to a more pleasing appearance.

Tooth whitening, cosmetic bonding and Invisalign are some of the treatments that are now available. 

If you are interested in learning more about what we can do to turn back time; give us a call at 212 517 9000.  At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in Yorkville we like meeting people and we like keeping you and your teeth healthy.

We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets directly across from our very own McDonald’s restaurant in a five story brownstone on the second floor.  The 4,5,6 and Q subway lines are one block away and of course there is plenty of bus service available.

So if you’re in the 10021, 10075, 10028 or neighborhoods further away come on by; we’re always happy to meet new people, listen to you and give you alternatives to enhance your health and appearance.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Big Mistakes People Make When Brushing Their Teeth


A routine is something you do religiously.  Routines become habits.  Some habits are healthy while others like cigarette smoking can be detrimental.  A good routine is to brush your teeth twice a day; once in the morning upon waking followed by another round at night before going to sleep.

All the bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic meaning they like places without oxygen.   The bacteria also like warm, dark places with food available.  Guess what, this is exactly the condition in your mouth.  Ever experience morning mouth?  That’s the condition where upon waking you have a funky taste and smell inside your mouth.  It seems your bacterial colonies are growing which eventually if not removed lead to cavities and gum disease.

So your mission if you decide to accept it is to remove these colonies before they can do any harm.   If you do not your gums and teeth will disavow any responsibility for the damage you've caused.  So, what’s to do?

Upon waking get out your trusty toothbrush preferably with soft bristles and get in there and start cleaning.  Electric toothbrushes are fine if that’s your preference. The goal is to scrub the top, front and backs of all your teeth.  While brushing you are bringing air into your mouth which contains twenty percent oxygen which will help to annihilate the forming bacterial colonies.  In addition you are removing any build of food you have eaten.

Unfortunately,   brushing cannot get in between your teeth.  Here you need dental floss, that fine string which can get in between the teeth.  Once again you are bringing oxygen between your teeth and cleaning the surfaces and slightly below the gum line creating a clean and healthy environment.

Twice a year you should also be coming in to see us, so we can make sure you are succeeding in your cleaning mission.  If not, we will help you get back on track or begin a dental cleaning routine.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS, located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in Yorkville we are here for you.  Conveniently located for the: 10028, 10075, or 10021 zip codes.   We’re at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets directly across from our very own Mickey Dee’s.

If you need a check up, cleaning or something more substantial give us a call at 212 517 9000 and we’ll be there for you.  We like people and we like teeth.  Call Today you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

You Should Check Your Dental Bridge Before You Lose Teeth

London Bridges Falling Down

Here in New York we have the Whitestone, Verrazano Narrows, Brooklyn and on and on bridges.  What happens to those bridges is that over time they fall apart.  Some people also have bridges in their mouths.  Back in the day when someone lost a tooth and needed a replacement a dental bridge was constructed.  This entailed connecting the adjacent teeth to the missing tooth together.  Sort of like when the Beatles sang; All Together Now or maybe not?

The problem with bridges is that the adjacent teeth have to support themselves and the missing teeth.  Over time the supporting teeth can become tired, cracked or decayed.  It is more difficult for a patient to keep a bridge clean vs. cleaning individual teeth.  The patient may not even realize this is happening.  So if you have a bridge it’s a good idea to visit a dentist like us to make sure all is well.

Today, with the advent of implants dental bridges are becoming a thing of the past.  Still viable and sometimes necessary, the advantage of the implant is that the adjacent teeth next to the missing tooth are not involved.

It is also possible to convert a dental bridge into an implant situation if the supporting teeth are in trouble.  Once accomplished keeping the area clean is a whole lot easier.

Need a dentist and you’re located on the Upper East Side of New York City?  Give us a call today at 212 517 9000.  We’re conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets.  The 4,5,6 and Q subway lines are one block away and there is plenty of bus service on Third Avenue.

Even if you all need a cleaning and checkup we are here for you.  We like people and the teeth connected to them.  No one likes going to the dentist but we will make it a much better experience for you.  Call today you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Do Veneers Make Your Teeth Look Bigger?

What’s Up Doc?

You may like Bugs Bunny but you probably do not want to look like Bugs Bunny.  However some people actually do as they want big anterior teeth.  Maybe a big pair of upper chomper’s isn’t the look you’re going for but that’s up to you.

Sometimes your front teeth do not look the way you would like them to.  Nature can be cruel, but as dentists we can out maneuver nature.  Your teeth may be discolored or have distorted shapes leading to a non pleasing appearance.  What can you do?   Ideally orthodontics where your teeth are moved into a more pleasing and functional appearance can be done but many patients will not accept the time to accomplish the procedure.

As an alternative porcelain veneers can be done.  These are thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded to the front of your anterior teeth to correct the unacceptable color or shape of these teeth.  For veneers to look natural we need to reduce some of your teeth in most cases.  If no reduction is done the finished veneers can look too big and bulky.

There are multiple alternatives to correcting your teeth to give a more pleasing look.  Since you lead with your smile and many of us are now on zoom conference calls your teeth are apparent.  If you would like an evaluation of your smile and the alternatives available give us a call today at 212 517 9000.

We are located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in Yorkville at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets.  Easily accessible by subway and bus or just walking, we are here for you.  We like people and we like teeth.  Call Today, you and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Do You Have Bad Breath or Dry Mouth?

How Dry I Am

Dry mouth leads to bad breath.  Sometimes we just can’t help it.  If you sleep with your mouth open your mouth will dry out and you’ll lead with your breath.  If you have sinus problems and breathe more through your mouth instead of your nose you’ll dry out your mouth.  Sometimes due to medications you need to take you’ll have a dry mouth.

If so there are rinses, sugar free gum and suckers you can take to bring increased moisture into your mouth.  In addition to bad breath, dry mouth leads to an increased incidence of dental decay. If you have a continuous dry mouth syndrome in your life going to the dentist on a regular basis is a necessity.

We can examine your teeth to make sure no cavities are forming.  Sometimes a fluoride treatment or custom fluoride trays can be made for you to help keep your teeth healthy.

Give us a call at 212 517 9000 today.  We will be happy to meet with you and evaluate your situation.  We are located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets.  We are here if you need us.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

So You Want Straight Teeth and Don’t Want To Wait

In an ideal situation if your teeth are out of alignment you undergo orthodontic treatment to straighten them.  Today in addition to traditional metal braces which most patients will not accept due to esthetics there is clear orthodontic tray therapy.  However, some patients will not tolerate wearing trays while others want immediate results.

For those who will not or cannot wait, teeth can be straightened with the application of porcelain veneers.  Traditionally, veneers were used to improve the color and shape of anterior teeth.  Some individuals due to the ingestion of tetracycline by the mother during pregnancy developed darkly stained teeth which will not whiten.  For those people veneers restored the desired color they want.   Some patients have anterior teeth that are not esthetically pleasing due to the shape of their teeth.  With veneers we can alter the shape and color of non esthetic teeth very quickly.

Some patients do not like the look of their smile due to the misalignment of their teeth.  For these individuals cosmetic veneers can reposition their teeth to be more in alignment.   Veneers are small pieces of porcelain that are bonded onto the front of your teeth.  Consider them somewhat like Lee Press on Nails.

There are two ways veneers are done.  In one scenario the teeth are not modified and the veneers are just bonded onto the existing teeth.  These are called no prep veneer.   The problem is the appearance of the teeth being bulky since no room was created for the veneers which is somewhat like having a thimble on your thumb.

If the teeth are prepped then the veneers appear more natural.   A combination of the two treatments may be necessary to produce a pleasing smile in a patient whose teeth are misaligned.  To help a patient decide if this type of treatment will produce the desired result we have a cosmetic wax up done for the patient by the lab before proceeding.   This allows the patient to make an intelligent decision before beginning treatment.

At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan we like making people happy and if you are unhappy with your smile we may be able to help you.  Conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets directly across from our very own Mickey Dees we are easy to get to.   The 4,5,6 and Q subway lines are a block away as are multiple bus lines

If you need a cosmetic consult or just want a dental cleaning give us a call today.

You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Living with Sensitive Teeth

You may be a sensitive person and be caring to others but you probably do not want sensitive teeth.

Teeth are part of you and they can have character especially if their sensitive. Surrounding your teeth is a layer of enamel. Enamel is very strong and prevents your teeth from becoming sensitive. As you age your enamel thickness decreases. The vast majority of your teeth are made of dentin. Dentin is softer than enamel and is actually millions of little tubules pressed together. When the dentin becomes exposed in your mouth due to wear and/or trauma many people experience sensitivity.

Sometimes when a person undergoes orthodontic treatment to move their teeth into alignment the roots of the teeth become exposed inside your mouth. The roots are also made of dentin and can exhibit sensitivity. If you develop gum disease due to not brushing and flossing the gums can become inflamed or recede from your teeth also exposing the tooth’s roots.

Individuals are different. Some people with exposed dentin feel nothing while others even with a little exposure have trouble eating cold foods. If you consume very acidic foods like sucking on lemon wedges while you drink your ice tea you could be on the way to sensitivity. Chewing on ice cubes can also lead to sensitivity problems over time.

So you’re experiencing sensitivity – what can you do? The easiest solution is to buy a fluoride rinse. The fluoride in the rinse can help in minor cases to relive the sensitivity. You could also purchase toothpaste that helps to relieve sensitivity such as Sensodyne.

If this is not working we can make you custom fluoride trays to wear five minutes a night before retiring. Over a thirty day period this will help to alleviate your sensitivity since you are placing a thick RX grade fluoride gel within the trays and the trays hold the gel adjacent to the teeth.

Other times if your root is exposed or there is exposure on another surface of the tooth a cosmetic white filling can be placed.

Sensitive teeth can lead to reduced enjoyment in your life. If you are experiencing this situation give us a call at 212 517 9000. At the dental practice of Glenn Reit DDS, located right here in Yorkville we like take caring of people. We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue between 84 th and 85 th streets directly across our very own Upper East Side Mickey Dees in a five story townhouse on the second floor.

Even if you don’t have sensitivity and are just in need of a cleaning and exam we are here for you.

So don’t delay call today. You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you!

Some Surprising Tooth-Friendly Foods

We all need to eat but some foods are good for your teeth. 


Citrus is acidic and if eaten continuously can erode the surface or enamel of your teeth.

Sugar if not removed by brushing and flossing after eating can lead to cavities.

Nuts or other hard foods can lead to tooth damage by fracturing your teeth.


Raisins are good for your teeth.  They contain iron and fiber.  They provide high energy and low fat.

Overall raisins can improve digestion and lower your blood pressure.

However, some disapprove of raisins due to their natural sweetness and tendency to stick to your teeth; some suggest they may actually help to fight cavities due to plant antioxidants.

Dairy products contain calcium and vitamin D.  These two essential nutrients work together to promote healthy bones and teeth.  But there is an added bonus when you eat hard cheese at the end of a meal.

The cheese neutralizes the acids in your mouth thereby maintaining your mouth’s pH levels preventing cavities.

Leafy green vegetables activate your saliva and reduce cancer risk.  They are high in fiber, promote digestion and help maintain cholesterol levels.

 Strawberries whiten teeth naturally.  Berries of all kinds are good for you.  Specifically they are shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.  Dark berries like blue berries contain antioxidants which are good for you but unfortunately can cause teeth to stain.  Strawberries do not darken teeth since they contain a substance called malic acid which acts as a natural tooth whitener.

Carrots help clean your teeth when eaten.  In addition to being a low calorie food carrots are a superior source of Vitamin A and the antioxidant beta carotene.  They are reported to improve vision and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.  In addition raw carrots when eaten help to scrub away plaque or the filmy bacterial layer that grows on your teeth and gums.  Chomp down on a medium size carrot or a handful of minis and your teeth will thank you.


If you do not regularly clean and floss your teeth your odoriferous mouth and inflamed gums are only beneficial if Halloween is upon us.

We like people and we like to meet you and resolve any tooth issues you may have.  We are conveniently located in Yorkville on the Upper East Side of Manhattan on Third Avenue between 84th and 85th streets at 1498 Third Avenue.

We are directly across from our own Upper East Side Mickey Dee’s in a five story brownstone.  Bus lines and the 4,5,6, and Q subway lines are one block away.  We participate with the major dental insurance carriers such as Aetna, Cigna, Delta, Guardian, MetLife and United Health Care.

For most of our patients an exam, x-rays and cleaning is covered at 100% with no out of pocket expense to you unless you have already used your benefits.  We can always do a courtesy check before your appointment.  So give us a call TODAY at 212 517 9000. You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you

Tea for You and Tea for Me

Most people like tea.  In the winter hot and in the summer cold, but tea has tannic acid within and this can cause your teeth to stain.  Do you drop the tea or do you accept the staining?   I like my tea so I’ll continue to imbibe but I’m also not big on yellow teeth, so what to do?

You need to clean your teeth regularly.  You take a bath/shower and go to the bathroom daily so extend that habit to your teeth.  A good start in addition to brushing and flossing regularly is to rinse your mouth with water after drinking your tannic beverage.

Not to beat up on tea alone.  Coffee and red wine will also stain your teeth over time so, if you still do not like the color of your teeth you can come in for a professional cleaning.  If you still are not happy we have whitening products which will lighten the color of your teeth.

 So call today 212 517 9000 and we’re here to help.   At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit DDS we like teeth and the people connected to them.  After being in Los Angeles for 20 years and now back in New York for another ten we know whitening.  In LA you can never have too white teeth, along with a nice tan and a fit healthy body.  Here in New York City everyone is on the run but most also want attractive smiles.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

What is good, what is bad and what is ugly?  The good is a healthy mouth which gives you a radiant appearance and the ability to enjoy your food.  The bad is being in pain with your teeth and not making an effort to correct the situation.  The ugly is having not caring at all with people looking and smelling odors coming from your mouth and running for the hills.

 At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit, DDS we like correcting the bad and ugly to the good.   No matter what your situation, dentistry has progressed so we are able to offer you multiple paths to the good.

Sometimes, if you have had bad experiences at the dentist you become the ugly because your brain says dentistry, bad.  If this is you we need to break this association and show you that dentistry can be good.

In addition to restoring your teeth we now have the ability to cosmetically improve your smile.  If you have a dental problem we can help you to resolve that.  There are multiple paths for most dental problems.  Here at our office we will advise of your options and the costs involved thereby allowing you to make an intelligent decision.

Once your basic dental health is achieved we also have the ability to modify your smile if you are not happy with what nature has provided.  Through orthodontics with clear aligners, whitening, veneers or bonding we can create the smile of your dreams.

So even if you are in need of just a cleaning or more substantial treatment don’t delay call today.  You’ll be glad you did.

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.

Dental Crowns

How many kingdoms do you rule?  If you have many crowns you could be an emperor.  Teeth have a hard life.  Continually they are under pressure from chewing, grinding and clenching.  The outside of your tooth is covered with enamel, a very hard substance that gives strength to your teeth and helps prevent decay.  However, bacteria are tenacious and over time can make a small hole in the enamel and access the inner surface of your tooth.

The inside of your tooth is made up of dentin which is not as strong as enamel.  The decay that attacks your teeth is anaerobic meaning it likes areas without oxygen.  Once inside your tooth there is no oxygen present and it is warm and dark making the bacteria even happier.  If the bacteria take off and eat too much of your tooth you may need a crown to preserve the tooth in your head.

A crown is like a girdle.  It holds your tooth together.   Crowns are made of different materials.  A metal crown is quite strong but not too attractive.  The best crown is made of gold which has the same expansion and contraction as your own teeth.  A gold crown can have a very thin margin and have the best fit on your tooth.  However, the gold color may not be acceptable for most patients esthetically.

Today we have tooth colored crowns which will match the color of your own teeth.  Most patients prefer this type of restoration.  There are several types of porcelain crowns we can use based on the condition of your tooth.

A crown after being placed may not make you a queen or king for life but it will save your tooth. 

If you are in need of dental services give us a call at 212 517 9000.  At the dental practice of Dr Glenn Reit, DDS we are always looking to help people preserve their teeth.   We are conveniently located at 1498 Third Avenue on the Upper East Side between 84th and 85th streets directly across from our very own Mickey Dees.  The 4, 5, 6 and Q subway lines are one block away and of course there are multiple bus lines in the area.

If you are experiencing tooth problems don’t delay call us today.  You’ll be glad you did

Looking for a Dentist in the Upper East Side?

At the practice of Glenn Reit DDS; we provide quality care in a relaxed, comfortable, clean and safe environment. Please contact us today at 212 517 9000 for this or any other of your dental needs. We look forward to seeing and taking care of you.